I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to tonight or dreading it. We have our annual homeowner's neighborhood meeting in just over an hour. Most of our neighbors are very lovely people. I don't know that there is a single family truthfully that hasn't been nice to me. It's a friendly place to live.
There are, however, some people with very (read that as "VERY") passionate feelings about pretty much anything and everything in our neighborhood, the builders, the developer, the neighbors, the speed at which we're driving our cars, and lots of other things that are important to them, but not as much to most of the rest of the neighborhood.
I hope tonight will be a positive meeting; several people have been so caustic to the developer that he will no longer return their emails and calls.
Everyone has strong feelings about their own things, it's what makes us different. I just dislike people who seem to want to argue for the sake of arguing or—and this is my pet peeve—can't see anyone else's perspective but their own.
The Big Boy Update: At my daughter's birthday party yesterday, my son went outside and said aloud (to anyone who would listen to him), "everybody, I'm the king of everything."
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: My daughter is learning numbers and letters at school. She's not completely figured out the difference between the two as right now, they're all just symbols to her. She does know you put multiple of these things together and they make something. Yesterday she asked me, "what does A, R, S do?" I told her it made the word, "ars" (I just made it sound like arse), She asked me several more letter-based word spellings, none of which were words. Then she asked me what 7, 8, 9 made and I told her "seven-hundred-eighty-nine".
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