I wanted to get my children a small treat this afternoon while we were out. I realized we were driving by a Dunkin' Donuts store on our way to pick up the dog and I realized the donut holes (or Munchkins as the chain calls them) would be just the right amount of treat I was looking for. We stopped in, visited the bathroom and got in line.
I asked the lady what quantities I could buy the munchkins in and was surprised at the answer. I could get four, twelve, twenty or any number of dozen I wanted. She told me I could really get any amount, as long as it was a multiple of two. I asked, "so I could get just two?" She said that yes, I could definitely do that. I got twelve. Two? C'mon, you know I'm gonna eat a good portion of those twelve myself, right?
We got back in the car and I gave one to each of my children. My son immediately started eating his. My daughter decided it was, "yucky" because I suppose the sugar on the outside was a bit sticky. My son asked for another one and as I handed it back to him I started to wonder how many calories were in these little things?
I could look it up most likely fairly quickly if I was at a long stop light or when we got to the veterinarian's office. We can find nutritional information so quickly now. It made me think of a time back before the year 2000 when several of us had a long discussion on donuts and calories.
The discussion was between my boyfriend back then, one of his office mates and his roommate. This discussion wasn't about Dunkin' Donuts, but the Krispie Kreme glazed donut. Someone (I don't remember who) said they had hear each donut was four-hundred calories. "It can't be" some of us said.
There was internet galore back then, but the informational depth wasn't there. We looked on their web site and there was no, "Nutritional Information" page there like there is on most restaurant's sites today. We couldn't find much information by searching through search engines either (this was back when there were multiple, competing search engines—before Google dominated the market.
My boyfriend said, "I'll find out. I'll email the company." And so he did. It took about a day, but he got back a very nice response from someone saying, "four-hundred calories? Oh my, that is quite a lot. You'll be glad to know our glazed donuts are two-hundred calories each. I hope this helps answer your question."
For years later at business events when someone would bring Krispy Kreme donuts in the morning, I would look at them and see two-hundred calories stamped across each one. I still ate them. Sometimes I would eat a lot of them. One day in Chicago I specifically remember eating only Krispy Kreme glazed donuts for the entire day. It was my fault...I was the one who brought them.
The Big Boy Update: My son got out of bed at 6:57AM today. I know this because he leapt out of his bed and landed on the floor in the room above us. Three minutes later my alarm went off. He came out on the bridge above and said, "mommy, what's that beeping?" It appears my son doesn't need an alarm clock to get up on time.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: People are noticing my daughter's hair cut. We've had lots of positive comments on it. As much as I didn't want to cut it, I'm glad I did.
Fitness Update: Four miles wedged in this afternoon. Unexpected request from my neighbor in the quick hour she had from getting out of the office before having to pick up the girls.
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