Friday, November 15, 2013

Tiny Topics Du Jour

Sometimes blog post topics back up.  Sometimes they're too small to really merit their own post.  And sometimes I just want to get things off my blog topic list.  So here are a few little things for the day...

Wardrobe Rearrangement
It's been cold enough for long enough that the shorts and summer wear won't be needed again for a while.  Yesterday I rearranged the closed to give me faster access to the sweatshirts, sweaters and sweatpants that were up on higher shelves.  It feels a little like getting a new wardrobe again when you suddenly have all these different things to wear.

It's Eggnog Weather (the children agree)
I got some eggnog last night at the store and gave some to my children for the first time.  It's like ooey, gooey, luscious, sweet spicy melted ice cream.  They both loved it.  I diluted what they didn't finish with milk and they had the rest for breakfast.

I don't think that's my order, sir.
But it was.  I went through McDonald's drive-through to get a biscuit and discovered they have pumpkin spiced lattes.  I'd been getting them at Starbucks for some time now.  When I got to the drive-through window the man gave me the total for my two items.  I told him it was the wrong order, but no, it was my biscuit and latte--and it was cheaper than a single latte at Starbucks.  It was delicious too.

The Big Boy Update:  Allergic reaction reduction.   He seems to be handling his food allergies better.  What with all the runny noses and maladies he's had over his almost three years of life, I'm hoping his immune system is becoming more mature and he can handle some of the various food intolerances he's had.  We're having to give him Benadryl much less and we're using the steroid creams very little now.  And he's much less itchy.  We still have incidences, but they're not as frequent.  Here's hoping that trend continues. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  "This one is yucky.  This one is yucky too."  My daughter likes her pacifiers to be washed off before she goes to sleep at night.  We're not sure what makes one taste yucky, but it's so cute when she asks and she's so easily made happy by a simple running of water over it, who can refuse her?

Fitness Update:
  Back to Don.  I haven't seen our trainer in several months as we trained for the marathon but this morning I went back to see him.  He's doing well and I was so touched at all the people in the gym that congratulated us and told us they'd missed us while we were away.  I bet I'm going to be sore tomorrow though.  And to think we thought we were in shape just because we could run for five hours.  This morning Don disabused us of that idea pretty fast.

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