Thursday, November 7, 2013

Honey Crisp

It's easy to get stuck getting or doing the same thing that you've done for years.  I might love a restaurant for their food, but I invariably always order the same one dish, never trying the other items on their menu.  I get the same brand of pretzels, just because I've been getting that brand for years.  But then sometimes, something can happen to break the cycle.   This happened to me recently with apples.

I've been a granny smith apple variety fan for years.  I like the crispness of the apples and the tartness of the flavor.  I've had other apples from time to time at other people's houses or as part of a meal somewhere else, but when I go to buy apples, I always get granny smith.  I've bought other apples for different things, like pies, but they just aren't as good to me unless they're cooked.   But now I have a new favorite apple.

My children eat apples but recently they were eating slices of an apple my neighbor was cutting up for them and they were loving eating them.  My husband found out it was a honey crisp variety and the next time he went to the grocery store, he got some.  It wasn't a fluke--that one apple wasn't an anomaly, the honey crisp is a really good variety.  It's crisp (like the name) and it has a nice tartness but it's also sweet to.

I've been keeping honey crisp apples around the house regularly.  As much as I liked granny smith apples, I can say that variety has taken second place to my new favorite, the honey crisp.

The Big Boy Update:  Moot mar.  Nutrigrain bars are a common breakfast item in our house and my son likes them a lot.  But he calls them "moot mars".

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She is getting very good at going to the potty from a clothing perspective.  She pulls her shirt up and holds it up with her chin on her chest while she pulls her pants down.  She can pull her pants up by herself too.  She's not fast at the whole procedure, but she's doing it all by herself.

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