Sunday, November 10, 2013

The End of Acne

I had acne when I was in high school.  I had acne when I was in college.  I had acne during my first job and I still had acne as I advanced in my career in my thirties.  I didn't have a lot of acne at once, but it was something I seemed to have at least a little of, all the time.  I didn't know if it would ever end.

My mother told me she had acne until she got pregnant with me and then the prenatal vitamins (and most likely the vitamin A component) cleared up her skin.  After she had me she continued to take vitamin A and her acne never came back.  I tried vitamin A and got no results.  Then, I got pregnant at thirty-nine. 

By that time I had completely forgotten about my acne, mostly because it had mostly gone away.  It was not unlike a headache in that you can think of nothing other than your pounding head but when it goes away, there's this realization moment of, "hey, I don't have a headache anymore."  My acne was like that, it just sort of drifted off and left me blemish-free.

I hope I didn't give my acne-longevity genetics to my children.  I guess we'll find out in a decade or so.

The Big Boy Update:  We were at his sister's birthday party today and I realized I didn't even need to worry about him.  He was having fun at the outdoor farm doing all the activities with his friends.  At one point, my friend texted me that he was with her and her two children.  When I read the text I realized I didn't even know he was gone.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:   "I like clothes."  Last night my daughter was opening some birthday presents and she was going through her second bag of clothes.  I didn't expect her to be excited about them but she said, "I like clothes" in her little girl voice as she looked over the design on one of the shirts from Mimi and Gramps.

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