Saturday, November 16, 2013

There's a Lot of Talking Going On These Days

My children are getting much more chatty as they get older.  They're chatting with us.  They're chatting with strangers.  And they're chatting with each other.  Today's post is mostly going to be about some of the funny things they've said lately because my list is getting longer and they're not stopping saying cute things.

The Big Boy Update:

This morning at breakfast:  "Golly, my drink almost fell down."

"Do you like Kinect Party, Uncle Jonathan?"  I think this was my son asking if Uncle Jonathan would please put on this game and play with him..  Kinect Party is a full-body interactive group video game my son likes to play:     We like this game because it involves a lot of running around in the basement burning energy before bed.

"Daddy, can you build me a hot dog house?"  He was very insistent that daddy build him a "hot dog house" with the blocks tonight.  It wasn't until later when he told me more that I realized his hot dog house was restaurant that, "served hot dogs...and french fries...and the people" as my son phrased it.  It is reasonable to mention at this point that we went to a small outdoor restaurant for dinner in which we watched them cook through the glass walls and then ate at the tables outside.  Guess what we dogs, french fries and ketchup.

"Mommy, when you get done with your Elmo, can you help me?"  I had pulled out my phone and was responding to an email when my son asked me this.  I told him that yes, when I was done with my "email" (not Elmo) I would definitely help him.

"Get some light on, " I was told when I was putting my son to bed.  I told him we didn't need any lights on and that he could go to bed in the dark.  Then he said, "get some light on your phone, mommy in the chair" and I realized what he meant.  Every night after we put them to bed, one of us sits in the chair in their room, doing things on our cell phones, until the children fall asleep.  They can see the light of the phone screen from their beds. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:

"Hey Greyson, it's a..."  My daughter likes to involve her brother in things.  Tonight she told him about the moon, yesterday she told him about the cement mixer she saw as we drove down the road.  She lets him know about things all the time that she thinks he'd be interested in.

"There's the moon."  Tonight at dinner my daughter was looking across the parking lot.  She knew the moon was up because she'd seen it earlier (it gets dark mighty early these days.)  She pointed to the street lamp and said, "there's the moon."  Then, she looked to another area of the parking lot and saw a second street lamp, pointed to it and said, "there's the other moon."

Fitness Update:  First run since the marathon.  Five-ish miles in nice early morning weather.  Nice short run.  Did I also predict I'd be sore from going to the trainer yesterday?  My prediction came true, although only upper body sore as my legs are just fine doing lots of exercising at this point.

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