Thursday, November 21, 2013


Is it phone-a-thon or phonathon?  I was told tonight it was the latter.   Now if someone can just explain to me when to use, "fundraising" versus "fund raising" I'd be grateful.

Tonight was our school's annual fund phonathon.  Last year I participated with high levels of anxiety.  I didn't know the parents.  I was new to the school.  I didn't want to ask people for money.  I hoped people didn't answer their phones.  When they did, I stumbled over my words. 

This year was different.  I remember last year people grabbing the parent cards and saying things like, "I want to call them" or, "I can get them to donate, I know it."  But this year I was that person.  I knew lots more families including some of their children from the substituting work I've been doing.   I walked off with a large stack and started making calls.

I didn't get a lot of answers, but I did have some successes with those that did answer.  Tomorrow, I'll follow-up with an email to each of the families I called.  Hopefully we'll see the results in donations to the school in the coming weeks.

The Big Boy Update:   My son makes this quick, deep intake of breath a lot.  He does this as he's suddenly discovering something.  I have no idea how to spell it but imagine this:  we ask him if he can find the puzzle piece with the narwhal on it.  He looks around, sees it, gasps in excitement and says, "there's the narwhal!" 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Angry nose.  She's had a runny nose for over a week now and her nostrils and just under her nose area is raw.  She doesn't want you to touch there, no matter how gently we wipe.  She is very helpful though in putting on chap stick or antibacterial salve to help it heal.  That must make it feel better.

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