Saturday, December 15, 2012

The 16K Butt or This is Not a Bill

The bills are coming in for the abscesses.  They're all from the medical providers and they're all very clearly saying, "This is not a bill" at the top, but they're still making me nervous.  So far, for the two emergency room visits, surgery, overnight stay and other sundry items, I'm getting "not bills" for sixteen thousand dollars.

My butt is pretty expensive.  My butt that's going to have three fairly large scars I'm guessing when the holes have filled in.  Did I mention that my husband is having to pack them and dress them every day?  Did I mention how great he is?  Also, even though I keep calling it "my butt" it's a bit higher up.  I think the term, "my backside" would be more appropriate as I don't sit on it and provided I pay attention, I can avoid excessive pain by just being careful as I move around.  I'm letting you know this in case your mental image was saying, "eww, I didn't want to know that."

So pain still there, yes.  Holes still large, yes.  Bills of a scary and large size coming in, yes.  Deductible not even close to met because I had a healthy year otherwise, yes.  So It's going to most likely be an expensive January.  But I'm on the mend and it could have been worse.  Hope with me that the hospital didn't miss any charges and that my insurance company covers the vast portion of the costs other than the deductible.  I know I'm hoping.  I've been asking Santa for happy bills from my insurance company for days now.

The Big Boy Update:  The re-pantsing.  This morning he was complaining loudly in his crib.  When I got up there I was worried I'd see a brown mess all over the place, but no, as I walked in he was dressed and looked happy.  As I was asking him who's diaper I should change first, his or his sisters, I looked in his crib and noticed an unexpected white ball.  A ball of diaper.  Wait, what's a diaper nicely packaged up doing in his crib?  He has his pants on.  He had taken his pants off, taken his diaper off and then put his pants back on.  He was very proud of himself.  If only he'd gotten one leg in each pants leg instead of two in the single leg.  Can I just say how happy mommy was that it was a wet and not dirty diaper?

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  "Here, this is for you."  She loves to hand you things.  You need only ask her to share whatever gooey, sticky, slobbery thing she's holding on to and she will gladly come over and stick her little happy hand right in your face.  She likes to share.  He brother takes advantage of this trait on a regular, selfish, basis.

Someone Once Said:  Killers don’t look like killers; they look like people.

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