Monday, December 24, 2012

The Holidays Without a Welcome

You don't think about how often or under what conditions you hug someone until you make it a point not to do so.  With this flold (flu+cold) thing I have going I don't feel it would be prudent to welcome family and guests into the house with a big, infectious hug for the holidays.  Of course inviting them into the den of germs that I'm sure our house is is probably also ill-advised, but Christmas is coming and family is arriving and we're going to do our best to keep the germs at bay.

A hug is a natural and expected interaction in times that are special or when you see someone whom you haven't seen in a long time.  It's such an ingrained behavior that I've felt like I'm missing something when I've had to skip that step.  The family member or friend arrives, you hug to greet and welcome and then you move on to the standard daily interactions you normally have, because that sincere, welcoming component is complete.

My parents and my in-laws have now arrived and I've waved from afar and we all understand that's best.  But it feels like we've missed a step.  I feel like I've been rude or inconsiderate.  I can't explain it.  My cousins are coming for Christmas day dinner tomorrow.  I've called to warn them of the bio-hazard situation in effect here and I hear they're still coming.  I hope they leave virally-unscathed. 

I've had only one real wish on my list for Santa this year, and that's been for him to not bring this fun flold to the remainder of my family.

The Big Boy Update:  Ear Cracks.  He has heard us say, "ear cracks" so many times in relation to the little area where the ear lobe connects to the side of the head that he now asks for medicine to be put there by repeating, "ear cracks, ear cracks!"  His "ear cracks" are so named because with his dry skin, that particular spot cracks.  If we don't notice it for a day or two, it can get bad enough that it bleeds.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Sippy cup in the holder.  Her brother was adamant about putting the sippy cup in the cup holder on his tray from the very start.  She's decided this is also a good thing and has a great time drinking some and then placing the cup back in it's spot.

Someone Once Said:   The cowards never started and the weaklings died along the way.

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