Saturday, December 29, 2012

Stairs and Pretzels and Falling Down

Several things have happened in our lives lately that involve falling down, pretzels and stairs.  First, I'll start with my personal combination of all three, Stairs + Pretzels + Falling down.

Last night I had a platter full of pretzels my brother and sister-in-law had brought for us to enjoy.  It was movie night and I said I'd take the plate down to share with everyone.  As I started down the stairs my foot must have slipped or stumbled or stuttered on the carpet and from that point on things got busy and hazy all at the same time.

I think (I am not sure) that I wasn't able to stabilize myself and/or grab the hand rail.  I further think I was doing the wrong thing mentally and thinking, "Don't drop the pretzels!"  Shortly after that, as I fell forwards, I realized I was going down the full flight and started doing damage control.  "Save your spine!" I remember thinking.  I have had multiple spinal fusions and I have a healthy fear of more spinal damage and injury.

I don't know how or what I did, but I think I tried to make a large, expanded ball of myself using my arms to push away from my head and back.  I do know I tumbled over and over and ended up on my back at the bottom of the steps.  It was a loud, but I think a somewhat slower fall than it might have otherwise been.

And as I looked up from my awkward position at the bottom of the stairs, I saw all my friends standing around with the most worried faces on.  They had all dashed from their chairs to make sure I was okay.  They wouldn't let me get up.  I wasn't in a hurry, but I needed to check out my limbs and body.   I got up and they had me sit down.  I started feeling around and we were all talking about how terrible it sounded, me falling down the stairs with the clatter of the pretzels and the metal plate falling with me.

One of my friends was very upset.  He was visibly shaken.  I got up and hugged him and told him he was going to make me cry he was so worried.  I kept saying that I remember thinking I had to protect my neck and spine and I don't know how I did it, but aside from two small scrapes on my leg through my pants and a bruised knuckle, I thought I was okay.

They told me I should be excused from doing anything else for the rest of the night and that I was going to be sore tomorrow.  I didn't argue.  I went to bed, expecting to be all aches and pains today, but no, I'm fine.  I have a mildly bruised knuckle and two small scrapes.

Also, I have to say thanks to everyone who didn't mind the pretzels on the floor and ate them anyway.

The Big Boy Update:  My son only has Pretzel action happening, but it's annoying enough to bother both my husband and me.  He loves pretzel sticks.  He eats them all the time.  We found a small pretzel stick lodged in the grounding hole of an outlet the other day just after he put it there.  We removed it when he wasn't looking.  And before I get phone calls from outraged adults, I challenge anyone to have a completely baby-proof house.  I doubly challenge you to have a toddler-proof house.  When you build your padded walls, furniture-less home, invite me over, I want to see this marvel.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter gets points for both Stairs and Falling Down, but not together.  On the stairs front, she very much wants to walk down stairs.  She goes up and down them all day with an adult following closely behind or in front of her.  Now she wants to walk down the stairs, forwards, with your help.  She really wants to do this.  So far, no falling down, but I'm worried we're going to miss her dashing up one time and hear her clattering down.

On the Falling Down side of things, I heard a "clunkety clunk" sound in the middle of the night and realized she'd just tumbled out of her new toddler bed arrangement.  There's a railing, but if you position your little thirteen-month-old body just right in a ball, you can roll off the opening in the rail.  It's only about ten inches to the ground and I was upstairs grabbing her about the time she'd started to wake up and become incensed.  I placed her back in the bed and she went right back to sleep.  The rest of the night was another story as she woke up two more times and got out of bed to investigate.

Fitness Update:  Rained out!  Trying again tomorrow morning for a run because running in the dark in the rain in thirty-degree weather just isn't that fun.

Someone Once Said:  I don't see how an article of clothing can be indecent...a person, yes.

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