Friday, December 14, 2012

The Brown and Yellow Car

My son is potty training at school.  He's getting fairly good at it, although there are days he's sent home with multiple pair of underpants and pants to be laundered.   We're working on continuing the training at home and in the past several weeks we've been sending him to school in training pants.

Sending him to school in training pants (these are like padded, cloth underpants) is great because he's already changed for his "training" at school.  They are also nice and send him home at the end of school in training pants.  And while this is nice, it can pose some problems because he comes home at lunch time and sometimes we don't get to a potty for a while due to eating lunch out and/or errands.

Yesterday after school we went to Jason's Deli, one of our family favorites.  Lunch went well with everyone having plenty to eat and ice cream cones all around for desert.  After that we needed to run an errand to buy something in a store in the same shopping center. 

As we pulled in, my husband said he'd run in to get the item and I said I'd change my son because he was going to fall asleep any minute and I'd rather have him in a diaper for his nap than possible wet pants in the crib.

As I climbed into the back of the minivan and pulled him out of the seat, sure enough he'd wet his underpants, pants and even the car seat.   Oh fun.  He'll stand up for a pants change which was nice and getting him into the spare pants and diaper was fairly easy.  "Hmm," I thought, "maybe I should change his sister now so they'll both have clean diapers for their nap."

He was having a great time pushing buttons and investigating the back seat and I was getting her diaper off.  His enjoyment of the car and it's features seemed to be right on top of where I was changing her though.  So I left her pants-less to put protective cloths on his car seat and stick him back in.  He wasn't happy, he wanted to investigate.

Then,  I really wasn't happy as I turned around to see a big, warm, ewwie, brown blob on the back seat and my daughter merrily standing right beside it.   Talk about sweeping her off her feet.  Off her hopefully not messy feet.   Did I mention this was a potty post?  Oops, I forgot.

Thankfully, she hit right in the middle of a section of leather and then had magically completely missed stepping in it or getting it on her in any way.   I was SO lucky. 

Daddy got back just as I finished cleaning up the seat and would have been none the wiser had it not been for the lovely bouquet he smelled when he opened the car door.

The Big Boy Update:  Cone master.  He is getting good at eating an ice cream cone in the proper order.  Initially, he would try to eat the bottom or push his finger through the side of the cone but as he's gotten more cone experience he's learned to eat the ice cream from the top first and then eat the cone from top to bottom.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  No, no.  She has been good at telling us she doesn't want something by firmly pushing it away for some time now.  Yesterday I asked her about some food and she said very clearly, "No.  No."  I wonder if she'll have an aversion to saying, "yes" like her brother does as she gets older?

Fitness Update:  Five miles in the afternoon and we got to run in the park.  We ran almost too long out though as it was so dark when we got back we could hardly see the park exit through the trees.

Someone Once Said:  Language itself shapes a man’s basic ideas.

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