Friday, December 7, 2012

The Shampoo Conditioner Disparity

Why are shampoo and conditioner bottles different sizes?  Do people commonly, consistently, regularly pour more shampoo into the palm of their hand than they do conditioner?  Do people think, "I don't need to condition today, maybe next time."  I don't know what the reason might be, but I'm always running out of conditioner before shampoo.  It is annoying.

Back in the days of supermarket or drug store hair products, I would just go and get a replacement when I ran out.  Later on, when I decided my hair was dry and frizzy enough and my frustration level was high enough to merit spending the extra money on better quality products, I would go to the salon.

Buying your hair care products at a salon is just fine, as long as you go back to get your hair cut or colored in time to buy refills.  But it seemed I was always pre-buying or post buying one or the other.  "I'd better get an extra conditioner now because there's no way the one I currently have will last until next time."  Or, "I am so glad to see you all because I've been adding water to the bottom of the shampoo bottle for over a week now and I just don't think there's anything left at this point."

Today, the sizes of shampoo and conditioner bottles are still different, but there is the internet.  And there are even bulk savings if you're willing to buy three or more at one time of some products.  Oh, and free shipping.  That's always nice.  So I get four of one and three of the other and have just stopped asking why the sizes are different.

The Big Boy Update:  School party.  Today we celebrated my son's birthday at school.  Mimi, Gramps, daddy and I came to the brief celebration.  When we arrived he ran straight to Mimi for a big leg hug.  Then he grabbed onto Gramp's legs.  He made it next to daddy and then he sort of drive-by waved at me.  I now know where I am on his family hierarchy.   He had made muffins for the whole class (they added water to the mix, he stirred it and poured it into the mini-muffin pans.)  We sang him happy birthday and had a nice time with his classmates.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Liking Pearl.  She has two teachers, Angie and Pearl.  They are both wonderful and I'm so glad to have them as her teachers.  Today when I walked onto the playground to get her, Angie was picking her up.  She was not happy.  Angie handed her over to Pearl, looked up and say me and said, "She far prefers Pearl over me."  And sure enough, when Pearl took her, she was happy again.

Someone Once Said:  Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things.

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