Thursday, December 20, 2012

The New Bed

My son has decided in just the past few days that being in his crib when he's woken up isn't for him.  He's been able to climb out for a good while now, but through some psychological manipulation and (I think) his desire to not land on his head and hurt himself, he's stayed in his crib until we came to get him out. 

Sometimes this staying in the crib involved being on the rail and riding it not unlike a pony.  This was a good way to interact with his mobile from a different angle, until we remove the mobile from his crib.  We would come up to the room he and his sister sleep in and he'd be up on the railing and we'd tell him, "get back in the crib so you we can get you up for breakfast."

But now, the thrill of getting out surpasses the discomfort of landing on his head or butt or whatever it is he lands on since I've never been there to see it.  As of yesterday he's in a toddler bed.

This posed some challenges.   The first, and not the least, was converting the crib to a toddler bed.  That saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words" is an understatement.  I was ready to throttle the manufacturer of the bed for incomplete instructions, inaccurate documentation of included parts and just plain inconsiderateness of their staff writers for the break-apart/rebuild instructions of the crib to toddler bed.

But it is done.  And he is thrilled.   So is his sister.  She and he can crawl into and out of the bed.  But this poses another problem, what do we do with him when he wakes up?  We now have a baby gate on their room.  We have a door open to their "play room" which has toys he can occupy himself with until it's time to get up.   Hopefully he won't figure out how to climb over the baby gate for a while because I don't want a baby running amok in the house while I'm trying to sleep.

Of course, what I want and what you get with babies rarely is the same thing...

The Big Boy Update:  Diaper in the nick of time in the dark.  From above, it was his first morning with his toddler bed.  He woke up, got up and went to play in the playroom.  He shut the door.  Now he's in the dark.  And apparently then decided it was time to take off his pants and then take off his terribly yucky, messy, ewwie, (insert additional gross adjectives here as you see fit) diaper.  I came upstairs just in time and opened the door.  Whew, he hadn't sat down on the carpet yet.  He was very focused on making the diaper into a nice, tidy ball.  I whisked him up and onto the changing table, saying what a good boy he was for taking care of his dirty diaper like that.   Next time, I am guessing I won't be so lucky.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Febrile.  A morning fever of 101.5 and she's not been as happy as she usually is.  That is until the Tylenol.  She's happy now.  Well, she was.  Now she's asleep.  Hopefully it's a short bout of fever and she'll be running around like her normal self again soon.

Someone Once Said:  You can’t be a little bit pregnant and it’s no kindness to hang a man slowly.

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