Thursday, December 27, 2012

Post-Holiday Irrelevancy and Additional Ramblings

Tardy with a Bit of Irrelevancy
I was excited I'd been posting, every day, for a year now.  I remembered getting started right after Christmas last year.  I was pretty sure it was the 27th.  This morning I went to check and I started posting on the 21st, not the 27th.  My first thought was, "Well damn, how could I have missed my blog anniversary?"  My second thought was, "Well, it's no surprise, I'm terrible with anniversaries and birthdays, a week late isn't so bad."  So my post about how I was pleased I'd made it a full year, posting every day, saying this and that and trying to add in a bit of humor where I could manage it, was now totally irrelevant.  But I did make it a year and it does seem many days like this blog is an important part of my life.  I never styled myself as a journal writer, but it appears to suit me in some way.

Just Flip It!
For those who have seen (and seen again, and seen yet again) the movie Mystery Men, hopefully an image of Captain Amazing has popped into your head with this sub-title.  Not only is Mystery Men one of my favorite movies, it has many lines that accent my life and add emphasis just where needed.  And with that as an introduction, let's talk about mattresses.

I had had a mattress forever (no, really, I think it had been that long.)  I had bought a new mattress and the nice salesman had explained how you should rotate and flip your mattress on a regular basis.  "Pish, pshaw, whatever," I thought.  That night I slept the last night ever on my old mattress.  The old mattress I had never flipped because the other side had an unsightly cool-aid stain on it.  A cool-aid stain you never saw under mattress pad and sheet.   "I shall debunk this mattress flipping conspiracy," I thought and flipped the soon-to-be-recycled mattress.  And then...I had the best night's sleep I had had in years.

So now, I'm a mattress flipping convert.  Every four to six months I flip my mattress, even if my husband doesn't want to.  I even flipped my mattress pregnant and then got put on bed rest the next day due to a cervix that was a bit strained.  Was it the heavy lifting of a king-sized mattress my mother and I flipped the day before?  We will never know.  But I slept better for the rest of the pregnancy, I can tell you that.   We flipped our mattress again the other day.  Firmness.  Bliss.  "Comfy dumfy" as I called it.  My husband told me that word was more silly than the word "huggles," which I hate.  Still, if you haven't flipped your mattress in a while, do yourself a favor and do so.

My Rainbow-colored Nose
I have seen more colors come out of my nose in the last two weeks than I would have believed had I told my two-weeks-ago self from the future me of today.  Perhaps not all of the rainbow of colors, but a good percentage.  My friend during all this congestion mess has been a product called Neilmed that my father and several other people have recommended over the past few years.  You mix water with a PH balanced saline solution and you stick the nozzle into your nose and inhale or squeeze, or both.  Either way, you're not getting a misting of solution into your nose, you're drowning in it.  You are completely and utterly flushing your sinuses with this delightful substance that causes things to dislodge you didn't even know were there.  Things that are so foul and repugnant you're glad they're out, because had you known they were in your head, you might have started to gag right then and there there so it's a good thing you're already at the sink.   If you don't have one of these Neilmed things, get one.  Trust me.

Christmas Squirrel
This is sad, so I'll make it short.  I got up early on Christmas morning to go take care of my friend's cats.  Small, furry animals cared for and I'm on the way home when, bam, a squirrel dashes under my car faster than I can react and I hit it.  I hope I killed on contact it and it didn't suffer.  It was a sad note amidst the happiness of my Christmas day.

Rearrangement of Chattels
Yesterday I was moved to move the children.  I moved them out of our bedroom and into their own room clothing-wise.  They have, since they were born, been dressed and changed in our bedroom.  This has put a cramp in our dresser space for both my husband and me, but it's been worth it from a stair-climbing perspective.  As they're not changing clothing more than twice per day and they commonly get changed before or after naps and bed, it makes sense to put their clothing upstairs in their room.  We will see how it goes.

The Big Boy Update:  Talk and babble.  He can talk and be understood.  But sometimes, all he says is gobbledy blub.  I was just on the phone a few minutes ago with my mother and he wanted to talk to her.  He babbled lots of things, none of which I understood.  My mother said, "You're going to have to give me a little help here," to me.  I told her her guess was as good as mine.  I'm not sure why he's so clear in enunciation sometimes and sometimes makes no baby sense to anyone other than himself.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Wave and Hello.  She waves at you if you wave at her...sometimes.  And she can say, "hello."   She likes to wave and say hello to herself in the mirror the best I think though.

Fitness Update:  I yearn to run.  I really do.  I drive by the park on the way to take care of my friend's cats and I see the trail.  Perhaps it's cold and rainy but because I can see the trail through the woods and I want to be out there running.  With a cold, in the cold and the rain?  Apparently so.  My neighbor and Uncle Jonathan are back in town now.  Soon I shall run again.

Someone Once Said:    A wedding ring is not a ring in my nose.

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