Sunday, September 16, 2012

Movie Night - It's Not All About The Movies

We've been hosting Movie Night on Fridays since shortly after moving into our current house.  I look forward to Movie Night every week.  I like having friends show up, come in casually, bring their meals and then spend a night in a relaxed, non-structured way.  Movie Night is the "anchor" of my week in so many ways.

The friends that come vary; sometimes it's only a few people, sometimes it's packed.  There are frequently children who watch kids shows upstairs, but not always.  We have frequent birthday celebrations, with cakes and ice cream and presents and the traditional birthday song we all sing but don't really know why we sing it.  Movies are selected through a friendly, elimination/suggestion process and even if it's a movie some people know they're not going to like, no one really complains because there will be a second movie.

There's a table in the back of the room that people sit at who may not be as into the movie or maybe they're working or perhaps they're playing a game or scrap booking or making jewelry.  Frequently in the back of the room there is chatting—which we try to keep at a low volume, though we don't always succeed.

If there's no birthday to celebrate, there may be cookies between movies.  Cookies my husband bakes to just the right level of perfectness, just like The Oracle did in The Matrix.  He is that skilled, I swear it is so. 

But bottom line, Movie Night is all about what you want it to be.  Some people (for example me) don't usually watch the movies.  I stay upstairs with the children, take care of the babies and then get in the tub and go to bed early.  Other people like to watch the movies, but they never seem to look away from their smart phone, tablet or computer.  Other people are there for the movies and have a great time selecting, watching and discussing them.

Whatever it does for people to start their weekend, it's the anchor to my Friday night and the best ending of a work week. 

The Big Boy Update:  "Make it vacuum.  Make it working."  I have mentioned before my son's love of the vacuum.  It is an undying and unwavering love for any loud, sucking, hose-laden device.  We were in the attic this morning and he found the old upright.  He pulled off the hose attachments.  He put the hose attachments together.  He unrolled the extra hose.  He talked to the vacuum the whole time.  When he realized he couldn't turn it on by himself, he came over and asked, "Make it vacuum.  Make it working.  Help vacuum." 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Standing is the first step to walking.  She's started to free stand and look around now.  She's even taken a lunging step or two, but nothing that I'd consider real walking yet.  However, I predict she'll be spending even more time upright soon.

Fitness Update:  Three-way run.  This morning my neighbor asked if we could run a little later and would I mind if her husband joined us.  Her husband and she take turns running or exercising usually, because they have four little girls that need a parent around while the other one is out.  But last night, the girls went to their grandparents.  We had a great run of almost eleven miles, even if it was raining, and three people chatting made the run seem to go by even faster. 

Someone Once Said:   Games are important; they mark that we are not just animals trying to stay alive but humans enjoying life and savoring it.

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