Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Editing Isn't Rewriting

I said way back when I started this blog that I was going to write, press publish and walk away from the computer.  Oh, what a big fat lie. 

But it's not as bad as I had feared it would be.  I got my stop watch out yesterday when I wrote my blog entry and it didn't take me more than twenty minutes from start to walking away, five sections written, post complete.  But I did and I do check things after I press publish. 

What I've found over time is that I have more confidence in how I write.  I used to read and revise, rewrite and redo until I could have stood up in front of a crowd and recited my composition from all the rehashing and re-editing.  Mostly, it was lack of writing experience in a conversational voice.

Two-thirds of a year here of writing into the void and I've settled into a grove that's not hard and is even enjoyable.  Some days, my husband must laugh at me when I say, "I've got to get to the computer," because he knows I want to get something out; and I want to do so in the blog.

I realized though that it's okay with me that I re-read my posts.  I'm not worried about spending too much time making a blog post, "perfect," because hey, it's just opinions and stories, and it's not being graded.  But I do like to make sure I didn't leave words of sentences out and didn't typo or misspell too many things.

So I do edit my posts.  But only up to the point that the email daemon sends out the completed post.  Any mistakes at that point I get to live with.

The Big Boy Update:  Potty training has begun in earnest.  They do potty training at school.  We sent in ten training pants (not diaper pull-ups) at the start of school, but so far, none have been sent home.  Last week's summary email from his teacher said potty training would start this week.  After school today, in a plastic container in his school bag, were three pair of training pants.  Yes, that's one pair an hour.  There is work to be done.  But it's a start.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Stability Tester.  I remember this stage with my son.  Cruising around, trying to climb things, and making sure everything is stable with a resounding, "pat pat" on each new surface.  She tests the floor, the table, the sofa, your leg.

Fitness Update:  New runner.  And he's inhuman.  Seriously.  Okay, he's a dog.  Uncle Jonathan wanted to see how far his dog, Dexter, could run.  Dexter, who seems to have unbounded energy when it comes to escaping.  On his first day out, Dexter did over a 5K. 

Someone Once Said:  Honor thy father and thy mother where anyone can see you. But once you leave home, live your own life. Don’t let them lead you around by the nose.

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