Sunday, September 23, 2012

Be a Parent

Words we use when we're trying to be encouraging, or cajoling, or just plain annoyed... "be a parent."

The first time my husband said this to me I broke up laughing.  Everyone has different tolerances.  My tolerance level for a child crawling around on the floor, putting things in their mouths, making a mess or getting into things is in many situations, higher than my husbands.

One day, I have no idea how long back nor do I remember the situation, whatever was happening with the child/children was beyond my husband's limit of acceptable.  He said across the room in the most serious voice, "Be a parent!"   I looked at him, realized what he meant, started laughing and kept laughing while I addressed the situation.

It's been an infrequently used, yet definite message we can send to one another when we've about gone over the edge, or we're pushed to our limits or just if we think the other parent is not being diligent in their parenting duties.

When it's said, we always take it seriously in meaning, and we always laugh together because it's a diffuser as well as a message to get your mess together and get back on task.

As a couple, we're not perfect.  For the amount of time we spend together we get along far better than most couples I hope, but we have our moments.  I wish we could find more "be a parent"-type sayings that accomplish their goal while lightening the mood at the same time.

The Big Boy Update:   There is this temper.  And there are these tantrums.  I am referring to his almost-two-ness.  It's not all the time, but he's got a lot more will of late.  Don't want to go potty?  It might end in screams.  Don't want to stop going potty so you can go back to the trains you had a fit about leaving in the first place?  It might end in screams.  Usually, this means he's tired.  So far, he hasn't won yet, but he's testing our limits.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:   Stephen Hawking girl.  She sits in her car seat, which has lots of room for her as she's tiny and it's her brother's old car seat.  She slumps in various directions from time to time.  Lately, I've been in the third row seat behind her as we've had a full car and I've noticed her slumping in just such a way as you see Stephen Hawking slumped in his chair.  It wouldn't be as striking a resemblance if she was asleep, but she does it while she's awake and looks around with her eyes only while keeping her head still.  It's both errie and cute at the same time.

Fitness Update:  After running over eight miles and walking over two miles yesterday, my neighbor sent me a text that she was up for a run at 6:15 this morning.  Who am I to refuse.  We got to chatting and we decided to go to our "vista" which is a big joke because it's a little pile of grass.  But it's our "vista" because it's at the top of a big hill and we think of a beautiful vista as we plod up the hill.  So, we got committed and we kept going just a bit further and we ended up running a bit over twelve miles.  Twenty-two miles in less than twenty-four hours and my little legs are having a discussion with me right now about the prudence of running for so long. 

Someone Once Said:  Sovereign ingredient for a happy marriage: Pay cash or do without. Interest charges not only eat up a household budget; awareness of debt eats up domestic felicity.

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