Friday, September 14, 2012

The Very Expensive Night Light

It's been over a week now since the iPhone death in the park during the deluge while on the run.  With supremely good timing, Apple announced the iPhone 5 this week and this morning I placed an order for a new phone.  But what's the status of my pseudo-dead iPhone 4S?

It is working here and there.  And some bits are still over-working.  The LED on the back of the phone that's there as a flash of sorts for pictures has been on since the rain run.  I've reset the phone and I can get into an app, any app, as long as that's the only app I want to get into.  The touch screen works and the speakers work but if I want to exit the app, I have to reboot the phone.  So choose wisely.

I have a hope that I can sync my music on this phone and use it as an iPod to go with my music dock.  But the phone behaves in other hinky ways, so I'm not certain that's going to pan out.  However, the one area the little crippled phone is doing better than expected, is the LED light.

The phone has been on for over a week now, sitting in my nightstand drawer.  Every time I open the drawer I expect the light to be dead, but no, it's still shining brightly.  I wouldn't have expected such a bright light to be able to run for so long on a phone battery.

So very expensive night light or gimpy MP3 player?  I'm not sure what the final home will be for my old phone.  I still say a little, "I'm sorry" to it every time I see it in the drawer, knowing how it was mistreated and how it's still trying to go on.

The Big Boy Update:  Blanket Issues.  He's got the snots and he doesn't feel well and he was asking for his blanket this morning before school while we tried to get his clothes on.  He's getting strong and he was being quite difficult so I went upstairs and got him a blanket.  He's never asked for his blanket before really so I thought it couldn't be a bad thing.  He took his blanket to the car and held on the whole ride.  When we got to school, Mr. Bill couldn't get him out of the car seat on account of the blanket being in the way.  When I took it away, crying commenced.  Bill decided to send him into class with the blanket.  They would put it in his bag when he got in.  But from now on, no blanket when going to school.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Penned out.  We forgot about the baby pen.  It's a hexagonal pen we put my son in a lot.  My daughter so far isn't getting into as much trouble as he did.  With one exception.  She likes the computers under our feet.  She wants to optimize our hard drives, unplug the network cables, test the stability of the cases and cause commotion and chaos under the desks.  This morning my husband got out the pen, took the six sections and zigzagged them to pen our desks and us in and her out.  She has full use of the room beyond, but I swear, she's still looking fondly at our PCs.

Someone Once Said:   Animals can be driven crazy by placing too many in too small a pen. Homo sapiens is the only animal that voluntarily does this to himself.

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