Saturday, June 6, 2020

My Room, Your Room

I decided it couldn't hurt to do a potentially temporary, or possibly permanent move out of my daughter into the room we've called "Nana and Papa's Room" because that's where Nana and Papa would stay when they came to visit.   But now they live in the area (don't get me started about how great that is) and we don't necessarily need the room for guests, as we have another room we can put people up in.

We were hoping to have the child that moved out move to the other guest room because the bathroom had a second entrance from the bonus room, but my daughter really wanted to be in the back bedroom (I think because of the super-soft comforter I put on the bed in large part, strangely.)

I decided yesterday to move some of her things in, just the basics: clothes she's currently wearing, toothbrush, toothpaste, and flossers.   That was about it.   She's not moving her entire bed into the room (she has a huge amount of accouterments she likes to sleep with) and she plans on sleeping with her brother at least two nights per week, but for now, it's her room.

Today, we tried to get the terminology correct, calling it her room and his room instead of their room and Nana and Papa's room.  Tonight, we decided to hang her shirts, something we've never done before but I got an idea might be a good step for her which would also let her feel her shirts more easily without messing them up in the drawer like she does when looking for a particular shirt.

She helped hang the shirts after a quick lesson on how to hang them that she surprisingly got very quickly.  I moved in the Alexa Amazon Dot from the craft room and my husband changed the names of the devices so they could drop in on each other, with the room names being "Reese's Room" and "Greyson's Room"—something they were both excited about.

So far, so good.  My daughter shows no signs of wanting to go back.   I thought it would have been my son who would want to move out first, but suddenly, and without any preamble, she was just ready.

The Big Boy Update:  My son and daughter were mad at us today because they lost audiobook privileges.  They tried with me but got no traction as I said I hadn't taken it away and they'd have to speak with their father to find out if they had done enough to earn the right to listen back.  My son said to his sister, "let's go vanquish dad...I mean ask dad."

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My son wanted to sleep last night with his sister in her new room.   As she was sitting on the big bed she magnanimously said to him, "you are always welcome in this bed."   Then she thought better of it and said, "unless you're not."  As I left the room to leave them to go to sleep, my daughter asked, "Oh, and mom, can we have fifteen minutes of chitter before we have to be quiet?"   Chitter?  I chuckled, not knowing where that term came from and said since it was Friday night, sure.

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