Monday, November 4, 2019

The Visit Summary

This post is written by my mother.   Recently my daughter visited my parents at their home in the mountains.   To get her there and back we met half-way to drop her off and pick her up.   Here's what happened in my mother's words, during my daughter's visit:

Our ride from back to our house we started out by us getting acclimated and enjoying each other’s company. After a few minutes, Reese started singing, favoring us with some of her original compositions. The first line in her first song was “I wish I could be the perfect daughter”. Then she moved on to a song called “Puppy Land”. The remainder of her singing stayed with “Puppy Land”. Here are some of the lines in that song. “You can find your heart in Puppy Land, Puppy Land is where you go when you’re sad, Puppy Land is where you find all that is love, Puppy Land is in your imagination, You come alive in Puppy Land, I don’t know why I’m so relaxed in Puppy Land.” The tune was very good and she ranged up and down the scale in this song.

Her visit with us was such a pleasure. She is a delightful young lady. She is very polite, always saying “Thank you”, “Please”, “I’m fine” and “No thank you”. She went to bed every night willingly and woke up every morning ready to go. You have taught her well.

All the adults she met were enchanted by her. She was friendly, very articulate, and eager to interact with our adult friends. And when they left, without prompting, she gave each of them a hug. Later they all described her as “beautiful, very bright, and fun to be with”. She offered all the company M&M’s!

She went to the bathroom when needed and had no accidents. She brushed her teeth, took her medicine, and her eye drops with no objections. On her first night she said to me, “I need a hug before I go to bed.” I did that every night after that.

She liked playing what I call “scenario games”. Her favorites were “Going Trick or Treating on Halloween with her basket” and using our toy cash register in different types of stores – puppy store, candy store, and grocery store. Whenever I bought something from the store, she would ask “Would you like to leave some money for the poor?”

I pulled out the cardboard box from my office closet that I had kept the games and toys for her and Greyson to play with when they came. I suggested we go through the box and take out those toys that were too young for her and Greyson. I told her that my friend Joann had a grandson who was 2 years old and we could give him those toys. She liked that and we had fun going through the box and sorting all the toys. (from Gramp's yard sales’ finds!). Joann visited the next afternoon and Reese was excited to give her all the toys. Joann enjoyed her time with Reese. She even plaited her hair in a simple braid down the back. It looked good on Reese.

Reese did not want to eat out for our meals. She wanted to stay home, which we did. I don’t know if she liked the familiarity of home or didn’t like getting in the car, etc. But I was fine with eating in. She was a little opinionated about what she ate, but we worked that out. Her favorites were Lipton’s Chicken Noodle Soup and M & M’s!

She missed everyone but talked about Matisse a lot. When it was time to go, she was ready. We packed up the car and left the house with no difficulties. When she talked on the phone to Chris on the way and he said it would be about 20 minutes before he would meet us, she said “Make your car go fast. I can’t wait to see you!”

She interacted with Gramps very well even though he was not overly demonstrative. She would talk to him and hug him.

I know it is not easy to manage all you do with the children, but it’s obvious you are doing something very right. They are precious children and such wonderful grandchildren.

The Big Boy Update:  My son has boundless energy.   This is a good but is tricky at night when his body isn't ready to calm down to go to sleep.  My mother suggested he take melatonin to help him get to sleep.   He loves taking the MidNite pill when he's extra bouncy and can't calm down.   It must work too because he drops off to sleep fairly quickly when he takes the melatonin.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter has what looks like a mole on her stomach area.  It's been there for as long as I can remember but in the last week, it's gotten red and is bothering her.   Aunt Margaret said it looked like it could possibly be molluscum contagiosum, something both children had several years ago.  It's viral and typically presents with a collection of small red bumps.   The medication for it is frightfully expensive but we have some and are treating it with that until we can get her seen.  Due to the length of time it's been on her body, it may be more likely its a benign mole that got irritated but we'll get her checked just to confirm.

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