Sunday, November 24, 2019

Puppy Party

First, Matisse, my puppy, was playing with our friend, Milo.  Milo was a dog.  He loved to play with Matisse.  Matisse loved to play with him so much because she loved to tackle him.  And then somebody from the street over that had a dog named Layla, came over to play with Milo and Matisse.

Milo, Matisse and Layla were having so much fun, no one was noticing that they had gotten loose from their leashes.  More and more and more dogs came from around the neighborhood.  They were having so much fun but everybody didn't notice they were gone.  The owners didn't notice the dogs were gone because they were inside.

The dogs got off their leashes by tugging really hard.  They bited onto their leashes where they were hooked up and then they pushed down and yanked it up.  They didn't leave the neighborhood because they didn't want to get crashed by cars on the big road.  The big road was large with at least five lanes.  There was a lot of cars in every lane and the cars went fast.

There was only one dog that wasn't playing at the puppy party.  Her name was Millie.  She loved to dance and do everything but she didn't know how to get off her leash.  She escaped her house with the leash on and she went to the party.  The other dogs taked her leash off her.  She felt much better with her leash off.

The had fun at the party but soon the grownups found out.  But they just smiled and brought them back home.   And they ALL lived happily ever after.

The End
Story by Reese

What My Son Did Today:  My son got in big trouble last night after coming home from spending a good part of the day with Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Margaret.   He ended up losing screens for the entire day—unless he, "worked very hard to earn it back".   This morning before my husband and I woke up my son was lavishing us with gifts.  He was whispering in our ears how wonderful we were as the best parents on the planet and he loved us oh so much.   He gave us presents from his desk that he'd made over the past few years at school in art class.   When we got up we had to explain the phrase, "sucking up" and how it didn't mean he was getting screens back.   He did end up doing a lot of work folding laundry and putting up things around the house and gained some screen time back based on a positive attitude and overall work completed.

What My Daughter Did Today:  A neighbor friend was having a birthday party today.   Madison was over and was going to Claire's party and got my daughter all interested in making a card and then a present for Claire.   The girls were quite excited about making something and I said I would help, finding a few things from my collection of stuff when I was finished with some work.  My daughter wrote a very sweet card I transcribed into print that clearly showed there had been strained times between them in the past and my daughter hoped they could be closer friends now.  I told the girls they couldn't come into the craft room while I was looking for things (on account of there are too many things they'd want if they saw my crazy collection of stuff) but that I would look for the things they told me Claire liked: unicorns, narwhals and pink things—oh, and a red gel pen—and see what I could find.

I found the gel pen in red, a squishy unicorn pen and a unicorn pencil pouch and then got some hair clips in three shades of pink.   I threw in some Unicorn lollipops and then for fun, asked the girls if they thought Claire would like to open some oysters that had real pearls in them?   These are small little oysters vacuum-sealed in plastic and then heated to kill all bacteria so they don't smell when you open them.   They have a surprisingly large pearl in them when you open them.

My daughter and Madison went down to Claire's in the afternoon because I explained to them what, "crashing the party" was and since my daughter wasn't invited, it would be polite to give Claire her present and then come back home.  About five minutes after they left I got a call from Claire's mother saying they'd love for my daughter to stay and that it wasn't really a party as much as ordering pizza and having cake last minute on her birthday.   My daughter was excited to stay.

When she got home later she told me about Claire opening her present and that her favorite thing was the two oysters.  She took the pearls and put them in her "fancy jewelry box".

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