Sunday, October 7, 2018

EUA Round #?

My daughter and I travelled to Detroit today so tomorrow she can have EUA number I don’t even know anymore there have been so many.  Her eyesight has only degraded since the original infection that triggered a catastrophic series of events in her eyes in August of 2015.  Well, with one exception—her vision did improve after the hematoma that blocked her full sight a while back.  Other than that, things don’t get better with her eyes, they only get worse and all we're doing with her doctor’s is to keep what vision we can for her.

That sounds depressing, and it is, but it’s the reality of what we're faced with and it’s better to be realistic in this case so we don’t give my daughter the wrong message about her vision.  We need to be honest with her, and short of being pessimistic with our comments (which we're not) we are matter of fact about things.  She is handling the loss of vision possibly the best in our family.  It’s been over three years now and while she knows she used to be able to see, she doesn’t really remember it.

I don’t know what's more detrimental to her eyes as she has multiple abnormalities, but the bad vasculatoin makes it hard for her eyes to thrive.  Cells need to be oxeygenated to function and her eyes are constantly challenged in that respect.

Her right eye doesn’t see even light now we think and has a bad low pressure issue happening.  It’s hard to have hope for the right eye (I still do) but we focus all our energy in keeping the dwindling vision in her left eye there.

Tomorrow we'll see Dr. Trese and he'll look at her eyes under anesthesia.  We'll find out the latest and make our next plans.   Tonight, my daughter is happy because she had tomato soup for dinner and got a new app on her iPad.   She's in her favorite hotel and is looking forward to swimming in the pool tomorrow.   She's a petty happy child.

The Big Boy Update:  My son and husband went to P.F. Chang's for dinner.  My husband sent a picture of my son holding up the children's menu, proudly smiling because he had found all the words in the word search.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter told me tonight her least favorite number is twelve,   I’ve never had a least favorite number before so I asked her why she disliked twelve so?  Too many math problems have the answer of twelve, she said.

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