Sunday, August 21, 2016


We’re getting the children back on a school schedule, having them go to bed at eight o’clock instead of later, whenever they’re tired.   We have one more week to go before the beginning of the school year and they’re adjusting without any complaints.     Tonight, after bath but before brushing their teeth my husband said, “hey, everyone, come outside to the front yard.”

The sun was setting but some impending rain clouds had caused the sky to turn a fierce shade or orange, making it seem like we were standing outside with heavily tinted sunglasses on.   There was a vague rain happening, that felt nice in the warm, summer evening.  As we looked around, we saw clouds of all different shades in different directions.    To the North was a band of clear, cloudless sky, to the South were dark purple clouds and above and around us were varying cloud formations from honey yellow to orange and pink in color.

As we looked backwards to the West we saw a rainbow crossing over the house.   My son and daughter were excited to see it.    We’re pretty sure my daughter saw it, but her visual confirmations are always up for debate—at any rate, she seemed to have seen it.

After my husband took a picture, we went back inside to brush teeth and head up to bed.   My children lay in their beds talking about what happens when rainbows are made.   And just so we’re all clear on this, my son is confident he made the rainbow.

The Big Boy Update:  My son told me today, “my favorite show is Cosmos.”  I asked him why and he said, “I like Cosmos because I can learn about outer space and people who are dead.”   (Most of the scientists talked about in the show are in fact dead, he’s right on that point.)

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:   I was talking to my children tonight while they were in the tub, asking them what they’d like to have in their narrative for the school family album.   I asked them where they lived, what food they liked, what their parent’s names were, etc.   When I asked my daughter if she wanted to tell her friends about me she said, “Mommy does work…um…Mommy decided everything.”

Fitness Update:  On our girls weekend out of town we decided to go for a walk this morning before having brunch.   We strolled over four miles as a group, talking and looking at the old houses around us before going back to the hotel to dive into our big meal of the day.

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