Saturday, October 19, 2013

Twenty-five Versus Twenty

Tonight was my high school twenty-fifth class reunion.  I went and saw some friends I hadn't seen in a long time.  I saw some people I vaguely recognized but couldn't place and I saw some people who looked like strangers, but were people I knew fairly well in my teens.

I went to the class twentieth reunion.  I didn't go to all the events--it was a busy weekend with many activities planned--but I went to enough to get a chance to catch up with a good number of people.

For some reason, the twenty-fifth reunion tonight seemed different.  It was the same people and they were just as friendly and nice as they were at the twentieth, but it felt more relaxed.  It seemed okay that we had to look at name tags to figure out who was who.  There wasn't a lot of discussion about what people were doing job-wise.  It's almost like we've gotten beyond proving ourselves and can focus on memories or family or friends.

Enough time had passed that no one cared who was in what crowd.  I stayed out later than usual and was sad to leave.  I'll be looking forward to our thirtieth in five years.

The Big Boy Update:  Glow stick bath.  We had some old glow sticks that needed to be discarded because they didn't glow well when broken like new glow stick do.  Before throwing them away, I broke a big stack open and dumped them in the bath tub with the kids.  Then, we turned out the lights.  He loved it.  I think  he'd still be in the tub now if he had his way.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Yes.  She says yes a lot.  Her brother was Mister No for a long time and he's still prone to answering no, just because who knows.  But she likes to say yes.  She will answer yes to questions on the television or to anything you might ask her, except, "do you need to go potty?"  That question, still firmly remains a no.

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