Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fair Food

It's that time of year again, my favorite time of year, my favorite food time of year: the state fair has arrived.  I look forward to eating things every year that I don't eat any other times than that one week in October.  And this year, we're indoctrinating our children into the food fun that is the fair.

We had big pickles, maple sugar cotton candy, hush puppies, roasted corn, honey sticks, fried talipia fish.  Let me think, I know there's more.  Oh, mini donuts.  Ice cream made by the local university, freshly squeezed apple cider.  There is a honey cotton candy place too, but we only get samples of that. 

I wanted to get a candy apple but I have this ongoing tooth thing and there are stitches in my mouth and that just sounded like a bad idea.  (I need to put a tooth update here, but I keep hoping the saga will be over soon.)

I had fried frog legs, crawfish tails and cajun fries.  There was a Cheerwine slushy that my son wouldn't let go of because he loved it so much.  I liked the muscadine wine slushy more.  Uncle Jonathan had a Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe sandwich which he said wasn't bad, but no one else seemed to want a bite.

I do like the terrible stuff too.  I had a deep fried Twinkie the other night.  I don't like Twinkies normally because I'm not much of a sponge cake person, but when it gets deep fried, it changes the consistency and it's a whole other taste sensation. 

We go back again tomorrow for our last trip of the year.   It's always sad when fair week is over.

The Big Boy Update:  Screaming.  He was tired today after the fair and he was mad.  He got so upset and his feelings were so strong that he screamed at me and was visibly shaking.  I felt bad for him because he wasn't feeling well.  He didn't like not getting his way and it made him more angry but eventually he calmed down when we left him alone in a room with the understanding that if he didn't go to bed, he had to play calmly and quietly by himself.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  First fever of the season.  It's going around school and I'm sure he'll have it soon.  She's bouncing around one-hundred-two degrees without fever-reducing medication right now.  It will pass shortly and there aren't any other symptoms to this particular "plague" other than the bonus of being cranky.

Fitness Update:  Five miles in suddenly cold weather of thirty-eight degrees this morning.  Tomorrow we're running again in what appears to be equally cold weather to come.

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