Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Curb Appealing

I rolled my trash and recycling bins in tonight and for the first time, I didn't have to pull them up over the edge of the driveway from the street.  I stopped, looked down, and marveled.  Then I smiled.  It's nice to be home.

When we moved into our neighborhood, we were the eighth house.  When we decided to build, only three houses were occupied.  There was an undercoat on the roads, but the final coat wouldn't go in until the neighborhood was close to ninety percent complete.  The entrance to the neighborhood itself had a very bad height difference at part of the street, so much so that some of us went the long way around to exit the other side of the community. 

Recently, they started marking and tearing up and replacing sections of the curb for replacement.  A neighbor said that was a good sign they were about to pave the entire street.  We had high hopes.  Then, they came and ate up about seventy percent of our street's base coat and replace it.  And I was confused.  They replaced curb pieces that were cracked, that made sense.  But the sections they repaved didn't always make sense.  Some areas that were crack-ridden were left, while other areas, like those in front of our house, were replaced.    I worried I was wrong and that this was our "final coat".

Then, they did that bit where they dig out all the utility pieces and raise them up by two inches, clearly indicating there is about to be another layer of asphalt on the way.  I relaxed again.  And today, we got our final coat.   My son watched the rollers roll back and forth on the street and we hoped we'd be able to get in and out when we need to. 

No more curb differential.  Much more curb appeal. 

The Big Boy Update:  He warmed up.  At gymnastics, he's never participated in the warm-up component of the class.  He just stood around and watched.  Today, not only did he do it all, he did it all right on time and correctly.  It appears he was mentally warming up the other times.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Social eater.  She likes to eat with people.  If we all sit down together, my son wants to eat at the little table, but she wants to put her plate at the big table and eat with the adults. 

Sickness Update:  Still sick.  Now daddy has it.  Low fever with terrible aches all over.  I think we're about through it but right now all we want to do is sleep.   Sleep is hard to do when you have two active toddlers.  And we can't call in help, this thing is very contagious. 

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear you are not feeling well! It really sucks! Hope you are over it soon!

