Thursday, October 17, 2013

Not On A Diet

I realized the other day that I don't feel like I'm on a diet any more.  I think my body has adjusted to eating what it needs, and not eating any more.  I do weigh myself, but I do so for information and more of a status update than I do anything else.  If it's higher than my target weight, I do my normal routine; if it's lower than my target weight, I have a nice breakfast.  Some days I don't weigh myself.  It's a nice change.

I do weigh myself for statistics though and that's been interesting.  Before a long run I'll see how much I weigh and then when I return, I'll see what my new weight is.  I always drink water on longer runs, but it doesn't make up for the amount of sweat your body produces.  The day I had the breathing problem related to the antibiotics and low blood-pressure, I lost six pounds.   And I felt terrible.  The day I ran the marathon-length run, I lost only four.  The weather was cooler and less-humid and I was able to breath normally. 

So back to the non-diet.  If I want to eat some candy or chocolate, I do.  I don't seem to want to eat it as much as I did some time ago.  If I want to eat Taco Bell--which I love, but rarely get around to eating--I do.  If I want to have several drinks during a social evening with friends, I do, and I don't look at the calories on the bottle of beer any more.

Something has changed and I am self-regulating finally.  Or so I hope...I don't know what things will be like after the marathon.  At that point my plan is to cut back on the running and do other fitness things including going back to the gym and seeing our trainer I've been missing for two months.  I suspect the reduction in appetite is due to the exercising in part.  I suppose we'll see.

The Big Boy Update:  He needed to go to the bathroom yesterday morning but he wasn't done eating.  He didn't want his sister to get eat his food.  I told him I would make sure his piece of bread was safe.  He told me, "maybe you could tape it down so my sister can't get it."

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Calm eater.  Her brother has difficulty eating when he's tired or hungry or, well, any number of other reasons.  She, on the other hand, calmly sits down and eats through each and every meal. 

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