Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Trees are in Rut

There are tree genitals hanging out all over the place these days.  You see them dangling from their branches and it is not a pretty sight.  They spread their yellow, pollen seed without regard for anything not-yellow and they do it with a vengance.

It is pollen season again.  It seemed to be fine the other day and then, whammo, I live in a yellow city.  We ate on the covered porch the other night and before the food was brought out I cleaned off the chairs and the table.  When my husband brought out the plates he asked me if I had wiped off the table because in just a few minutes, it had gained another visible coating.

I'm not sure how much pollen I'm eating, breathing and living in, but it's got to be a significant amount.  I wonder if there is any nutritional value in large amounts of pollen consumption?  Is it classed as roughage?

What weather conditions cause this terrible pollen to drop and be over with sooner than later?  Large wind storms to loosen the pollen from the trees and then torrential downpours to flush it all into the sewers?  Whatever it is, bring it on.

The Big Boy Update:  He brought me flowers.  We had a toddler house play date today with families from both of the children's classes meeting at a park.  My son ran off and daddy chased him.  A while later he came back with a handful of wild flowers he had picked in the field for me with daddy's help (and I'm betting suggestion).

The Tiny Girl Update:  She cries a lot a home due to various insults she receives from her brother, or perceives she gets from him or from things she bumps into from falling down, which she does a lot.  But put her in a park with lots of other children and she's happy and doesn't shed a single tear.  Hell, she even pushed one smaller kid out of the way for no apparent reason.  It must just be more fun with friends from school to play with than it is with boring old mommy, daddy and her brother at home.

Fitness Update:  Fifteen biking miles, with children.  We did the fifteen mile loop I ran a few weeks ago this morning on our bikes with the children in their bike seats behind us.  Both of them slept through part of the ride but I think they each had a good time overall in the nice spring outdoor weather.

Someone Once Said:  Your enemy is never a villain his own eyes. Keep this in mind; it may offer a way to make him your friend. If not, you can kill him without hate—and quickly.

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