Monday, April 29, 2013


I don't like fundraising because I don't like asking people for money.  I just don't.  I don't want you to ask me for my money and I don't want  your money.  I suppose it's that I never wanted anyone to take care of me.  I had a need to make it on my own.  My parents made sure I had what I needed, but they encouraged me to take care of myself.  In large part, I hope I've succeeded.

I was thinking about fundraising today as I saw a presentation by a parent at our school in which she explained the history of our school, it's success, the careful and deliberate process they went through to determine what and how we could move forward to building our own, new facility and, of course, how it is something we're going to need assistance from in order to fund.

She was impressive in her knowledge and I learned a lot at the meeting.  I think I've learned something myself about donations and asking for them because I saw how I was changed personally by this entire school build project.

Sure, I was excited about a new school.  I was thinking about donating to the project, but I wasn't thinking the way I am now, which is to donate more than I would have if I'd just gotten a phone call asking for a check, because I'm excited about the project and I'm invested.

So, while I don't want to ask people for money; it appears I'm on the Fundraising committee, the Capital Campaign committee and I am personally prepared to do what I can to get people as excited about our future school as I am.  Or at least that's my plan...

The Big Boy Update:  Sent to his room.  He was roughhousing yesterday and I didn't understand why.  He was very aggressive and I couldn't get him to calm down so I decided he needed to spend some time in his room.  He was unhappy about it and knocked on his door asking to be let out.  I let him out a bit later saying he could stay out if he played calmly.  He calmly spent time on the bridge playing with a make believe truck until dinner so I suppose sending him to his room to calm down worked.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Fever?  I got texts from her teacher at school today that she had a rising fever.  It never got to 100.5 so she stayed all morning.  I don't know what happened though because she seems fine now, played long and hard before her nap this afternoon and is eating well. 

Fitness Update:  Gym workout today.  I noticed while doing high knee runs with a mirror in front of me that my right foot swings outward more than my left one does when I run.  Is it connected to the IT band pain I had on that side that caused me to get that MRI and find out about the meniscus tear that I'd never noticed?

Someone Once Said: On being a doctor: But about forty years ago I found out I wasn’t God, and ten years later I discovered I wasn’t even Aesculapius.

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