Thursday, April 25, 2013

Some Things are Never The Same

This is about a forward roll.  You remember those?  You did them all the time when you were young and you learned that it wasn't scary at all to flip your body over on the floor.  Then, you fairly drove your mother nuts because you wouldn't stop doing forward rolls.  Dinner time?  I'll be right there, let me roll from the bedroom to the dining room.  Not you, you say?  That was me.  That was so me.

My mother got me into a gymnastics class eventually because there was just no stopping the forward rolls and the cartwheels and anything else I could come up with from a flips and turns perspective.  But now I'm old.  Well, older.  Much older than that little girl in gymnastics class doing aerials and vaults and floor routines.

So last night I was leaving my children's room and I was happy because they'd finally gone to sleep (which is always cause for celebration as far as I'm concerned.)  There was a nice long hallway in front of me.  It was carpeted.  It looked friendly.  So I thought I'd try a forward roll to see if I still had it.

Ugh.  Well, maybe ugh with a little bit of ow.  I felt hugely ungainly.  I remember forward rolls being effortless and even comfortable.  Not so as an adult.  Maybe my arms and legs are just longer now.  Maybe my nerves are more apt to get jangled.   And then there's that spinal fusion that gives me less mobility in my neck.  It felt more like I had done a forward pentagon instead.

Whatever it was, that forward roll wasn't as fun as I remembered them being.  Interestingly, this morning our trainer had my partner and me do the old leap frog like you did as a child.  Yes, we did leap frog from one end of the basketball court to the other.  Did you know that's a darned tiring exercise?  And talk about uncoordinated.  The amount of laughter we shared as we each felt equally awkward made it fun.

The Big Boy Update:  "The clouds covered up the rain."  Just before we got to school I saw him in the back seat looking up at the cloudy sky and this is the deduction he made.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Hair puller.  Oh no, why does my daughter have a hand full of hair in her hand?  I am thinking it was an accident; I hope it was an accident that she pulled out some hair yesterday morning.  It's getting long and in her eyes so it looks like we'll have to be bow-diligent until it gets long enough to put into a pony tail or pig tails more regularly because I'd like her to not rip out any more.

Fitness Update:  Our trainer told us this morning we are doing well.  He told us this after we both collapsed from some new partner-based pushup/squat/shoulder breaking exercise he had us try.  We couldn't even manage thirty seconds each.  So are we doing well or is he bolstering our confidence? 

Someone Once Said:  Do not carry weapons to give you Dutch courage. If a gun makes you three meters tall and invulnerable, you had better go unarmed and let your sister do the shooting.

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