Monday, April 15, 2013

The Shrimpy Milk

I was concerned for a few days that I'd been serving bad milk to my children.  I fill a sippy cup for each with some milk before they go to bed.  Not uncommonly, they don't finish all of the milk so I save it for the morning or the next night.  If it's not consumed by then, it gets thrown out.

To make sure the milk hasn't gone bad, I usually take a sip from their cups.  Last week I got a strange milk and shrimp peelings flavor when I sipped my son's milk.  Strange.  And most definitely not a good flavor.  I thought possibly it was some milk in the nozzle itself that had gone sour so I made him a new cup.

We started alternating Silk last week too, so I didn't think much of that one incident, but I came back to the milk a day or two later and it happened again.  How odd.  Do we have some sort of bacterial thing floating around in our refrigerator?  The milk was weeks from being out of date.  So I made a new cup again.

Two days later I made a fresh cup for my daughter and for some reason tasted it.   Hello shrimp milk.  What in the world?  I even made my husband try it from a sample directly out of the milk carton because now I had figured out it was the milk itself that had the taste in it. 

Did the cow get into a patch of onions that tainted the flavor of her milk production?  I don't know but that milk is gone.  The new carton tastes just as delicious as it always has.  I predict shrimp-flavored milk will not be a future fad.

The Big Boy Update:  Shh!  The other morning when I came upstairs my son was awake, but my daughter was still sleeping.  Instead of using his normal, boy, too loud voice, he spoke in a whisper and even put his finger over his lips to tell me to be quiet. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Angry at Angie.  After we went to the park yesterday and had some dinner, we stopped by the bake sale the upper elementary class was having to help fund their trip to the Montessori Model United Nations later this month.  My daughter's teacher, Angie, pulled her out of her car seat while we selected delicious desserts.  And then we found out we had a cranky and crying child, not our normal happy girl.  And to her teacher too.  Her favorite teacher whom she loves spending time with every school day.  When we got back in the car I handed her some of my dessert and that's when we realized it was hunger making her so angry.

Fitness Update:  Gym today, not much else to report other than to say our trainer has an bottomless pool of new and difficult exercises he unleashes on us each week.

Someone Once Said:  Reflex can empty the stomach; it can’t choose a course for feet, recover chattels, take you through doors and cause you to jump down a hole. Panic, does that.

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