Sunday, November 11, 2012

Your One Song

Is there a song that means more to you than any other song?  A while back I asked myself this same question in relation to movies.  The conclusion I came to was that while I have movies I like to re-watch and movies I really love, I don't have a single movie that's my favorite above all others.  But I do have a favorite song.  And I knew without question what song it was.

I love pop music.  I'm a child of rock and roll and I have great memories of listening to the radio as a child and really loving that newest, hottest song.  When I was old enough to have a tape recorder built into my radio, I'd record songs off the air so I could play them again and again.  I spent lots of money at Record Bar buying tapes.  And there were lots of songs I loved as I went from a pre-teen into adulthood.

But none of those pop songs are my favorite song.  Interestingly enough, the one song I identify most with is Pachelbel 's Cannon in D.

I grew up listening to classical music.  Not by choice, by environment.  My father has always loved classical music and when the radio was on in his house, it was the PBS station and there was classical music playing.  Between songs, a man with a smooth, soft, soothing voice would explain what you just heard and what was coming up next.  It wasn't for me, but I suppose some of it sank in.

Pachelbel's Cannon in D has always been my favorite song to play on the piano.  It's still my favorite song to pick out on any instrument (or app) I come across.  It starts so simply.  It has such a calming and serene feeling.  I even have a CD with nothing but variations of that one song.  Oh, and I also got married to Pachelbel's Cannon in D.

As an aside, I find that I'm appreciating classical music more as I get older.  And speaking of my father and classical music, I would bet I know what his one song is, W. A. Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik.  For as much as I love playing Cannon in D, he has me beat.  I grew up hearing my father play this beautiful piece on his violin all the time.  He still plays it today.

The Big Boy Update:  Absorbent Mind.  I think I'm going to just sub-title the next few hundred posts about his absorbent mind because that's just what he does.  He watches what you do, and then he mimics it.  Tonight, after finishing his milk before bed, he went into the kitchen to the cabinet under the sink.  He is not allowed in this cabinet as it has the dish detergent.  He knows this.  As I turned to tell him he needed to close the cabinet door and walk away, I saw what he was doing.  He was taking the cloth his milk cup had been on and putting it into the cloth washing can under the sink, just like we would have done.  Just like he's seen us do hundreds of times.  Dirty cloths go in the can under the sink.  When he was done putting the cloth in the can, he closed the door.  I told him, "thank you" as he walked away.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  One year old.  It can't possibly be that long.  And yet it has been.  And she has grown and thrived, and has even started school.  She had a happy birthday today with some fun clothes and beautiful toys.  Wait, strike that, reverse it.  We celebrated with family and a few close friends.  She smashed Elmo's nose (her personal cake) all to bits and did a lot of grinning and laughing at the mess she was making.  The rest of the guests enjoyed the remainder of Elmo, pizza and ice cream, but not necessarily in that order.

Someone Once Said:  Girls are like boys, only more so.

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