Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dumb and Dumber

My neighbor and I run in the mornings.  We run in the dark.  We aren't sure if we're cool or if we're stupid for running in such interesting circumstances.

On the one hand, we're so cool because we're making an effort to get up early, before the birds and the roosters (that's a bird, right?) and run around the neighborhood.  Or wait, are we nuts because we're so desperate to exercise that we're willing to run in the dark, in black sweat pants and black hats, looking like burglars on the run?  We don't know.  But we're not stopping.

At the half marathon, we ran and we chatted.  We talked about a lot of things, but it became apparent that we didn't have the freedom of discussion we normally have.  There were people all around us.  We didn't want to talk about the political idiots who were voting for so-and-so or the preparations we'd made with tissue in a baggy in case we needed to take a potty break mid-run. 

We were verbally constrained.  But we had fun.  Last night we texted back and forth, trying to come up with a time and day we could run again.  It looks like it might be this weekend with everything going on, but we're not giving up.

And daylight!  We can run in daylight again.  With the daylight savings time change, we can run in light once more.  It's going to be nice to see what the park looks like with the fall leaves on the ground.

Hopefully my cold running clothes are warm enough for the upcoming winter weather.

The Big Boy Update:  Tissue, tissue.  Daddy went up in the middle of the night to a wailing child.  My son wasn't completely awake, but he was asking for, "tissue tissue" very clearly.  After my husband brought him a tissue and he blew his nose, he went right back to sleep.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Unexpected crying.  First day of school.  She looked happy, she wanted to go into the classroom.  An hour later I picked her up to find out she cried 95% of the time and the teacher had to hold her and sing constant renditions of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" to keep her calm.  She also had to administer cereal.  The other students were swarming around her, looking for cereal handouts that only my daughter was getting.  Tomorrow, we're going in an hour early and hopefully a less-tired baby will be a happier classroom student.  She came home today exhausted, sleeping more soundly than I've seen her sleep in a while.

Fitness Update:  Dinky knee muscle.  I had a dinky knee muscle, or tendon, or ligament try and talk me out of the half marathon the other day.  It was cramping or complaining or doing something painful for a lot of the race.  It would wax and wane, making me fairly confident it was a spasm kind of thing.  After the race it's been sore, but after all that complaining, I'm not surprised.  Today, it' s much better.

Someone Once Said:  Memory is not tied to entropy increase. Death might be preferable to amnesia combined with prophetic knowledge. Uncertainty may be the factor that makes life tolerable. Hope is what keeps us going.

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