Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Aural Psynapse

My son and I have similar tastes in music.   We’ve both liked an artist named Deadmau5 for a few years now and have a station programmed in the car that we listen to frequently.    This morning I was taking him to school and we had skipped through a few songs.    We got to Aural Psynapse and he said to keep the song on, this one he wanted to hear out.

He sat quietly in the back seat, listening to the song, and then he started asking me questions about the music as though he was hearing it in a different way.   I told him the artist (Deadmau5 is a man) made this music mostly electronically and the sound he was hearing was likely not a specific musical instrument but could be made like we could make different noises on our keyboard.

We then got into “tracks” and how you could make one sound, have it repeat and then make a second sound on top of that first “track” adding another layer.  We listened to the song through the rest of the ride to school (it was a long song) and talked about how some were drum-type sounds, some were melody and some were even like air swooshing sounds.

We have a friend, Nate, who is a musician and makes his own music.   My son used to play his drums every time we went to their house because toddlers think drum sets are the best toys on the planet.  Maybe, I told him, Nate could show him how to layer music sometime.

The Big Boy Update:  My mother asked my son what Parkour was.   She’d seen him bouncing and flipping about and knew he was taking parkour classes and hoped he could explain it some.   He told her it was like gymnastics but different.    She asked what he meant so he elaborated, “in the old days there was no parkour, only gymnastics” which I think he thought made everything clear.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My mother and I picked up my daughter from school this afternoon.   We were talking along while she was having a snack.   She pulled her water bottle out of her backpack and then said, “uh oh, I’m out of water.  I can’t live without water.”

Short Run:  Due to a miscommunication, my best friend and I were offset in running start time this morning.  The issue was largely due to me kicking off the iOS 11 installation on all my devices and promptly falling asleep resulting in me not getting her message about starting running earlier.   When my alarm went off she had messaged me she was already out, trying to fend off the muggers and hooligans in the dark with her deadly iPhone 6.   I got in three-and-a-half miles before we had to head in.

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