Friday, March 22, 2013

Woe is Knee

Okay, that was a stretch for a post title, but I never promised quality reading or content.  If you're still here, and you don't feel obliged to read these entries (like my husband probably does) then you have my thanks for sticking with me.

What was I talking about?  Oh yes, the knee.  My dog is having a hard time with her knee.  She's not that old, only eight, but she's had a rum go of it from the start.  When you buy a dog from a breeder you check into lots of things like the quality of the breed, the breeder's reputation, the price in comparison to other similar dogs, and of course, the total cute factor of your potential future dog.

If that cuteness factor is too high, you may well overlook any other qualities that might not be as stellar from the breeder.  In my case, I found the one puppy on the internet I wanted.  I was also satisfied with the breeder's credentials and so I bought the dog.  She was flown in to our local airport and she had a first year "satisfaction guarantee from defects" return policy.

This is most likely a policy that has never been acted on because once you have bonded with your furry little puppy friend, there is no consideration put towards sending him or her back.  I didn't buy a show quality dog.  I bought a nice looking dog that was purported to have a good personality.

She did and does have a good personality (although she's getting quirky and cranky in her older years, but aren't we all.)  What did happen was that she had knee issues.  Knee issues that prevented her patella, or kneecap, from staying in place.  It was out some days more than it was in it's proper position.  And by "it" I mean "they" because both back knees had the same issue.

So she had not one, but two knee surgeries before she was two.  She recovered well and has had many years of happy running and leg usage as a result.  But recently, she's goten arthritis in one knee and it's bothering her quite a bit.  She's had to be on anti-inflammatory medication for the first time in her life and we're trying to get her more exercise so that she'll build up muscles to help with the pain.

She doesn't look old.  She still looks like my little girl best friend.  I hope the exercise helps her because I hate to see her so uncomfortable all the time. 

The Big Boy Update:  Piling on the funny.  He's been making us laugh lately.  Two days ago at lunch he wanted a booster seat and not a high chair.  Daddy asked him if he was going to be good.  He responded with, "I'm going to be great."  Was he?  No.  But it was a nice offer.  This morning, I heard him in his bathroom.  I heard crazy sounds and I didn't know what he was doing.  It turned out he had dragged a chair to the sink and was "washing" all the Dixie paper cups in the sink.  When I walked in he looked at me, smiled and said, "All the cups are washed." 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  No underpants?  Some days she's sent home with five pair, but recently she's only messed up two pair of underpants.  Today she came home with none so maybe there is potty training progress happening at school.  At home however, she can still wet through a pair in five minutes flat. 

Fitness Update:  Relatively hard workout today at the gym.  We do a ten-minute warmup on the treadmill.  I've been pushing speed and I got up to my highest pace yet today.  Other than that, Hell Squats and Burpees were on the menu from our trainer this morning, making sure we were feeling the pain.

Someone Once Said:   Don't try to have the last word. You might get it.

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