Friday, March 29, 2013

Grandparents and Special Friends Day

Yesterday and today was Grandparents and Special Friends day at our children's school.  It's a special time to invite your child's grandparents or other special friends or family to come and see what the school campus is like, visit with the staff and administration, see demonstrations and presentations by some of the students and most of all, visit with your children in their classrooms.

It's been a lot of work to put this in place, but it was fun.  I helped out throughout the process but possibly the most fun was just spending time on campus talking with other family members and friends and hearing stories about their children or experiences at the school.

The staff and teachers at our school are nice.  But they're also fun, and funny so standing around being bored just never happens.  Wait, what?  You need big tables moved out of the tent and a hundred chairs set up, stat?  Sure, we're on the job.   Pitching in and helping has made our school feel like a home.

The Big Boy Update:  "Greyson poopie."  My son wouldn't come down for dinner two nights ago no matter how much we talked about his dinner and how delicious it was and how we were going to eat it if he stayed up there and other psychological tricks that normally work but were failing completely at the time.  He was on the bridge on the second floor watching us eat, not moving.  When he finally came down a few minutes later, he announced, "Greyson poopie."  Oh, now I understand.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Potty.  She can say potty.  And pee pee.  And pooh.  Well, at least it sounds like pooh when she says it.  She is most pleased when she has produced something in said potty and can then tell you what it is.

Someone Once Said:    Men need us but can just barely stand us; every now and then they have to discuss our faults. I think that’s why they shut us out.

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