Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Caulking the Line

The garage is done.  It's been a long time since we initially started working with our architect to get plans, have them approved and get the project started.  It took longer than we anticipated due to some holdups in multiple directions.  But honestly, how much of a hurry can you really be in to get an extra bay added to your garage?

One of the unexpected project lengtheners was the power to the house.  And by that I mean the main line of power to the house that connected to the power box and meter on the side of the house was right where the back wall of the garage had to be.  It was quite the feat getting the power moved to the new location on the back of the new wall of the garage while keeping us in power aside from a few short hours.

We delayed the completion ourselves in part too.  We decided to have that epoxy coating on the floors done by someone we'd been working with throughout this process.  For safety purposes, not to mention durability, we added a second clear coating to the epoxy with a non-skid abrasive factor added.  Imagine a shiny, smooth-looking garage floor that has a graininess you can feel if you touch it, but otherwise sparkles.

Fast forward two weeks of parking outside of the garages and we've got a garage floor that's fun to play on for the whole family.  We've spent many rainy afternoons playing with balls and tricycles and cars in there already while our cars sit out and get wet so we don't have to.

The last thing that needed to be done was some sort of caulk filling between the slab sections.  When the concrete was initially poured, there was no separation between the sections.  But the sections were strategically poured so that when they dried, they would separate in nice clean lines, one vertical and one horizontal.  Those lines are now quarter inch expansion joints.  It seemed like they were begging for some caulk to finish off the sealing job.

Caulk with a caulk gun from Lowes?  What kind?  Could we color match it?  Would it negatively affect the epoxy coating?  Would it look like crap when applied because of the depth of the cracks and our inexperience in pretty much all things caulky?  Per the advice of our builder, we brought in experts.

They brought a two-part caulk they mixed on site and then the team of four workers installed it with each doing their own job to make sure it was evenly applied and finished well.  We have to stay off it for a day and then it's dry.  I think the color works well with the gray we already had. 

You know you want to see a picture of this caulk, right?  Of course you do. 

The Big Boy Update:  "Bye bye, momma."  Today I was helping out at school in the main office.  I wasn't aware, but apparently one child from each class delivers the attendance to the office once school has started.  Today was my son's turn.  I saw him come in the door and I immediately turned around in the hopes he wouldn't see me to avert a possibly difficult separation.  He handed over the attendance and turned to leave as I was dashed around the corner.  I heard him say something that ended in, "momma" and I thought I was caught.  Then he was gone.  The other teacher said, "Did you hear what he said?"  I hadn't.  As he calmly and quietly left he said, "Bye bye, momma."

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Miss Mulchy.  I am going downtown to wherever it is birth names are registered to rename her because Miss Mulchy sounds like a better name of late.   Her ability to have huge amounts of mulch glom on to her shirt, her jacket, her pants, her socks and yes, even inside and outside of her diaper is astounding.  It gets all over me while I put her in the car seat and then disseminates throughout our house once we get home.

Fitness Update:  Double 5K.  This morning just happened to be a 6.2 mile run, double that of a 5K.  By the time I got in at 6:15AM, the twilight was just beginning.  I'm looking forward to earlier sunrises soon.

Someone Once Said:   Go lay an egg!

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