Sunday, March 17, 2013

Turk 182 And The Empty Theater

Have you ever been to the movies and been the only person in the entire theater?  I've been many times when there were very few people, so few that for a while you think you're going to be all alone and then a couple or family shows up just before the lights dim and you've got company.

I've only been to a movie once in my life where I, well we, were the only people there.  I went with two of my friends; I know one of the girls there with me was Michelle Martin, but I can't for the life of me remember who the other person was.  I know it was a girl.  Or maybe it was only Michelle and me.  It definitely wasn't a boy though.

I don't know why we picked the movie Turk 182 and to this day, I don't know anyone else who has ever mentioned the movie.  Perhaps the movie theater was empty because the movie wasn't that good.  I was questioning my memory to such an extent that I even looked up the movie on IMDB to see if I had made it all up in my mind and yes, it was a movie.  It starred some people that later went on to become fairly famous.

I remember the movie was something to do with a fireman and firefighting.  I remember there was a lot of rooting for and cheering on the good guy who was having to do shady things to win the day.  I don't remember what those things were, but I do remember that we did lots of cheerleading for him in the theater.

You see, if you're the only people in the whole theater, you don't have to be quiet.  You're not going to disturb the other moviegoers.  So we sat in the front row, and when there were things that happened that need cheering about, we jumped up and cheered.  I am quite certain I did cartwheels. I loved doing cartwheels.

I've been to many movies in my life, but very few stand out when it comes to what I did when or while I was watching the movie.  There was Return of The Jedi and the frozen, immobile hand, but that's another story for another day.  Whether Turk 182 was a good movie or not, I don't know.  But I do  remember having more fun that I had had at almost any other movie in my life.

The Big Boy Update:  "I want the hook."  He's been asking for the hook for several days now and we just figured out what he's been asking for.  We've added an epoxy surface to the garage that has also been expanded for a third bay recently.  The addition and surfacing is finally complete and we've moved everything back in and reorganized the shelves in the process.  One of the things we added to the shelves are these fantastic construction vehicles from Uncle Dale.  These were toys from when Uncle Dale was a boy and they're metal and sturdy and they're realistic and they are very cool.  As an aside, there is also a hook hanging out of the wall that used to hold a bicycle.  My son can hang on it.  When he was saying, "I want the hook," we thought he wanted to hang on the hook on the wall.  That is not what he wanted at all.  He was looking up to the shelf with the construction vehicles, specifically at the tow truck with the two hooks.  He wanted Uncle Dale's trucks.  He has since been hooking and towing and dragging around anything he can, "hook" in our garage. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Reese meets Reese.  We went next door for a party yesterday.  My daughter has a name that is currently popular for both boys and girls.  She met her very first Reese yesterday.  He was six months old and he was very cute.  She was not that impressed.  She was too busy asking for more "cracker."

Someone Once Said:   All cats are not gray after midnight. Endless variety.

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