Friday, December 30, 2011

Where's my period?
(And also my apostrophe.)

I can tell I spend too much time on an iDevice because when I complete a sentence, I press space twice and expect a period to magically appear at the end of the sentence.  Working on the computer, I'm forced to not only type my own period, but I have to add the apostrophe to all the contractions too.  I have to hold down shift for the first letter in a sentence and "I" isn't auto-capitalized.  How will I ever manage?

Years ago, I was thrilled when there was a spell checking tool built into Word.  After working on your document, you'd run the spell checker and it would let you know what words weren't in its dictionary.  That was great.  Years later, little red lines started appearing under misspelled words and you could correct right then.  Nowadays, many misspelled words or commonly mis-typed words just get auto-corrected.  I'm not sure I could even type "teh" without it being corrected to "the."

I love technological advances.  Especially ones that cause scores of web sites to be created for crazy things auto-correct has done to people's words.

The Big Boy Update:  He loves ham.  Loves it.  Also, he loves yogurt.  He worked my mother up good last night.  Every time she tried to feed him the chicken and stars, he pitched a fit and waved his hand at the yogurt.  Lesson learned--offer the lower value food first, then bring out the favorite.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Did I mention she has cute feet?  Her brother had these "clod stompers," as I like to call them. He's twelve months now and is wearing socks for two to three-year-olds.  She has dainty, tiny, cute feet.  I know it's winter, but we keep the house reasonably warm so she has her feet out of little pants or outfits all the time.  She's extra cute when she's wiggling her little feet around.

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