Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Telephone Transition

I know I call my parents a lot, but I don't realize how much I rely on them being there to give advice, help out with something or just chat until they change locations for the winter or spring.  Each year right around Christmas or New Years, they relocate from the mountains back to town here for the winter months.  I catch myself time and time again picking up the phone and preparing to dial an area code plus number when they're only seven digits away.   It seems to take about two weeks to get mentally re-oriented to their new location.

You're asking why I don't use speed dial, right?  On the cell phone, I definitely do.  But I prefer the land line for hands-free talking where possible.  a speaker phone that you can hook on to your collar and have both hands truly free to cook, clean, tend a baby, okay maybe not cook, but laundry.  Definitely laundry.  Never-ending laundry.  Single-tasking is just so 1980's.

The Big Boy Update:  It appears the trick to getting him to stand up without pulling up on furniture or your leg is to stick him in the middle of a large area with nothing to hold on to.  Say, like the middle of the road.  Not to worry, it's a dead end road and we're the only house on it.  And there were multiple adults laughing at him, I mean encouraging him. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She wore her tutu pink onesie last night that says "Mommy Rocks." I'm a much more practical parent and would never have bought anything so dreadfully cute for her.  Black, white and pink ruffles was a good look for her.

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