Friday, December 23, 2011

It Only Takes a Title

It's the next day and it's already after 4PM and I haven't even made it to my computer yet.  But I made it.  Now, I have to decide what to write about.  Rambling on about nothing in particular--I did the dishes, I washed the dog, I ate some cheese--doesn't appeal to me.  I need a subject, a topic about which I can write.   Over the past month I've been thinking of things I would write about, if I happened to have a blog.  Recently, I started noting these down so on a day like today, I can run downstairs and get something out that I've been thinking about.

It only takes a title.  That's all you need, just a good title like Stranger in a Strange Land, or The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.  A good title makes you want to find out what it's all about. At night, when I'm winding down in the tub, titles come to me.  Not amazing titles like those that would merit a whole book, but ones that could have a few paragraphs of detail for more explanation.  Right now, I have a surplus of titles.   I'm going to have to remember to keep taking baths so I don't run out of subjects.

The Big Boy Update:  He's talking in his own special tongue.  He has whole conversations with himself, and only he knows what he's saying.  Today I think he did his first situational repeating of word and gesture.  Bye Bye.  People do come and go so around here!

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  We're preparing for Baby Boot Camp in two weeks where we reduce the amount of food during the night to have her sleep for twelve hours by three months.   It's going to be weeks of "bridging" her until the next feeding time so her stomach will stretch and she can eat more at one go.  But so far, she's doing very well.

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