Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What is Pollination

My daughter has been doing work for our at home school.  She is far more enthusiastic about working than her brother is.  So much so that we're working to find her things that are challenging and interesting.   There have been multiple teachers who have suggested she write a letter to them, one being Mrs. Aagaard, who piqued my daughter's interest because she has (apparently) an exotic pet supply store in her home.   My daughter is supposed to write at her silliest in the letter...and yet I can't get her interested enough to actually do the writing.

The refreshable braille display unit we purchased a while back that has gone largely unused has now turned into a near lifesaver from the reading side of things.  She can't read online and the turnaround for the library for the blind isn't that quick.   I can download a book and have it on her Orbit in a half-hour.   And the books are free.   Free books are one thing, free books that have a braille version at the level my daughter is reading that work on her twenty character wide display is an entirely o type of life-saving device.

My daughter is creating her own work.  It's almost invisible work because when we go up to her desk, there is a sea of manila sheets all over the place.   We can scan a page of print quickly.  Braille pages all look the same.   I went through stacks of pages tonight after the children were asleep and found what she'd been doing.  As always with her, I was impressed.   Here are two of the things she's done over the last three days.  First was a ten-page story she wrote that she told us about (that turned out not to be quite the ten pages she listed in the contents):

What is Pollination
By Reese
1. Flowers blooming..............6
2. What are polinators............8
3. Helping polinators..............10
1. Flowers blooming
There are lots of flowers.
What are flowers?
Flowers are plants.  They start from a seed.  The seed turns into a sprout.  Then a pod.  The pod slowly opens into a buitiful flower with many parts like pedals, stamen, stem, leaves and many others such as the pitle.
The stamen is mail while the pistil is female.
Bees move from flower to flower.  They take pollen to each flower to the next flower.
2. What are pollinators
Pollinators are bees, wasps, butterflies and many others like beddles or moths.
Pollinators help us make lots of food and stuff to make helpful things.  If we didn't have pollinators we wouldn't have apples, fruit or even vegetables!
Fun facts
Pollinators help us stay alive, with out them we would not be here.
Pollinators have been here for millions of years!
We should be greatful for what we have
Yay for pollinators!
Yay for pollinators!
Pollinators help make new plants grow

The second piece of work I found was this:
Answer the questions, and use the story for help
Conporhention questions
The old man in the treehouse
There were to girls name lilly and Leeper.  They were walking and soon saw a treehouse.  There was a man in the treehouse and he lived there.  The man was very humble. But he was very very very poor.  They fed him and played with him and said you can live with us.  The man lived happily ever after.
The end! 
1. What did lilly and Leeper see when they were walking?
2. Who did they meet?
3. Were the girls friendly to the man?
4. What did the girls give the man?
5. Was their treatment of the man good or bad?
6. What were the girls names?
7. Where did they find the man?
8. Was the man poor or rich?
9. Was the man helpful or humble?
10. Did you like the story?
She did a third work titled Count the Robots that's hard to describe as it uses braille graphical representations for counting of numbers.  In addition to these pieces, she also created braille flash cards and work for me to do.   I'm having a hard time being both teacher and student and getting everything done in the day.  At least I can say I'm not bored, though.

The Big Boy Update:  My son had zero screen time today, including not being able to attend the class Google Hangout with his friends and the surprise guest of his teacher.   He protested attending the first one on Monday but was absolutely dejected with a side of angry at me that he was not allowed to attend today's call.   It was leverage, and I think it made an impression on him.  I told him his teacher was planning on having small group gatherings in the coming weeks where they would all catch up with each other as well as have lessons.   We did let him have one bit of screens today in which he says at his father's laptop and signed into the typing tutor site he'll be using throughout the next few years.  This is preparatory work for next year when he'll be in Upper Elementary.  Up until now, there have been no screens of any kind in their Montessori classrooms.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter got very, very, very angry at Blake today.   She was saying words like fooluk, bishee and shut she made to sound like swear words she couldn't say.  She lost a lot of privileges though for repeatedly calling Blake an idiot and an imbecile.  Oddly enough, about ten minutes after her massive screaming fit (which was unusual, even for her) she was happy doing things with Blake, all forgiven on her end.  Blake wasn't overly upset about it.

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