I have a lot of plastic bags. Options, sizes, shapes. I like to have the right size bag to fit whatever I want to put into it. Today I got more bags.
I think my love of bags started back in the 1980’s when my mother, father, the president of the college I would eventually go to and his wife created a software company. They developed a program called SnapGraph (not sure if it was one or two words) in the language BASIC and produced it on a 5 1/4” floppy disk. They printed out some instructions on how to use the graph program in DOS. And then they got some plastic bags to put the product in.
These were the most interesting plastic bags I’d ever seen. They were thicker than any bags I’d seen before. The zip locking at the top was sturdier than other bags by far and they were a good size for a lot of things.
They ended up having a lot more bags than they needed and they gave me some to use. I still have some today, although they’re degraded in part so the zip locking part fails after a few uses, but I can’t bear to get rid of them.
So I collect plastic bags of all different sizes. I have them as small as 1”x1/5” up to huge. One of my favorite sizes is 4”x4” and I’ve been out for a good while. We put candy pieces in it when we make it and it seems to be just useful for a lot of things.
So today I got a thousand 4”x4” six mil bags. Six mil being the thickness, which is quite thick, conveniently the same thickness as the bags I’ve been keeping around since the 1980’s.
The Big Boy Update: My daughter has the number two cubby at school in her class. When my son saw it the other day he was excited and came over to tell me about it. I didn’t know what he was talking about until I remembered the chant he and his sister say: “first is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the treasure chest”
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: We were going into the craft room the other day after dark. I mentioned we needed to turn on the light and my daughter said, “let me show you where the switch is” and found it with ease, remembering where and how high up it was in that room.
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