My children do not like change. It doesn’t matter what it is, regardless of how exciting or beneficial it might be to them, if it involves changes in something they like, they against it.
Let me give you an example. My children had just visited Nana and Papa for the weekend in Pinehurst. They had returned home yesterday and before my in-laws left we all went out to dinner. I told my children while we were on the way to dinner that they should tell Nana and Papa they wanted them to move to our town so we could see them more often.
They love their grandparents and I would have thought the idea of having them in town all the time would be an exciting one and a cute thing for my children to ask but it backfired. We almost arrived at the restaurant with two bawling children who were simply imagining the horror of Nana and Papa living anywhere other than where they lived now. My daughter said, “I don’t want them to move from Pinehurst. I love their boat. Does their boat have wheels?” My son explained that boats could have wheels but then got upset saying he didn’t want them to move either.
“Well guys, they’re not moving", I said. But I’d triggered them and there wasn’t much to do other than wait for them move on from the subject, something that quickly happened when we got out of the car.
Here’s another example from today: my daughter simply loves playing the piano. She spent a lot of time on Nana’s piano this past weekend and when we got home she asked us if we’d like to have her piano for our house here. Phone calls were made and tomorrow (through some fluke of scheduling) we’re having their piano moved to our house.
Today my husband and I rearranged the bonus room to make space for the piano. The room is largely the same but some things had to be moved out and some relocated. When my daughter got home from school today I took her upstairs and let her see/feel what had changed in the room. Then I told her what was going to arrive tomorrow from Nana and Papa’s house. And she cried. She liked the room the way it was arranged before. What would Nana and Papa do without their piano? What would she play on when she when went to visit them? Where did the keyboard go? And she didn’t like the new location of the table. My son’s reaction was much the same save the crying.
When the piano arrives they will love it, I am sure. It’s the change part that’s hard for them.
The Big Boy Update: My son was playing Minecraft for the last day of his summer vacation. Digital goes away at the start of school tomorrow except weekends. He was doing some pretty neat stuff though and he asked dad to come over and see his creations. One of them was doing a strange flashing thing which he said was, “kind of glitchy”. My favorite was a maze he made out of doors. You walked through the maze normally until you stepped on pressure plates he’d placed around in various spots. When you did this doors would open or close on you, forcing you to find a different path out.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: My daughter had a rough day today. There must have been some problems with the school transportation. We know her regular driver was in the hospital last week. She was picked up late but by a very nice driver we’ve never met before. And then we realized she hadn’t arrived at school. She didn’t get to school until l0:21. Then she wasn’t picked up until an hour after school let out and didn’t get home until after 6:00. So there were issues. The driver today was very, very nice but she had been given too much to do in one day and it just couldn’t be done in a reasonable time.
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