We survived the drive.
We arrived alive.
It was a tough night. We departed shortly after the babies had supper, around 8:30 PM. It's about an eleven-hour drive to my in-laws in Florida. I don't think we expected to be as tired as we were. We had to swap off driving more than we anticipated. But more swapping is better than a driver that's too sleepy at the wheel.
At one stop, I went in and looked for that five-hour energy stuff. I'd never drank one before and I really didn't want to, but I knew it would help. For some reason, this convienence store had none of the quick energy drink options. Or they had them hidden. I decided that was message enough that I shouldn't have one, so I got a bottle of water and we moved on.
Once we got here we had a wonderful day. My son is having fun with his cousins, aunt, uncle and grand parents. He's got different toys here, and he is having fun running around checking out the house. We expected him to love the pool, but he took a good bit of warming up to it. Sure enough, once he was out of the pool, he decided he wanted to get back in.
His sister had a great day, was serenely happy in her pool floaty and smiled at everyone who held her. We had dinner on the patio and went to a great park to cap off the day before baby bedtime. Now, my husband and I are completley beat as we each only got a few hours of uncomfortable car-sleep last night. How did the babies do in the car, you ask? Like little dreams. They slept the whole way, hooray.
The Big Boy Update: Bad diaper rash, still. We're done with the antibiotic but he's still got repurcussions from the medicine. In the past, our indicator that he'd messed his pants up was always smell. It was easily, clealrly, smell that told us he needed his diaper changed. This medicine has made it not smell and he doesn't know to tell us he's gone, something we're correcting tomorrow by teaching him the sign for a dirty diaper. We're also going to diligently check him to make sure he doesn't sit in a messy diaper for any length of time.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: She had a lot of fun today with her cousinm Nicole. She was fed by Nicole, played with Nicole and even fell asleep on Nicole. She said thank you by smiling lots at Nicole.
Right-size countdown: 4.6 pounds to go. Note that I'm using a different scale and have no idea how close the weights are, but since we'll be here for several days, I'm just going to report what it says, good or bad
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