The Perception: One size fits all. The Reality: No, it doesn't.
I weighed a lot more just before I had my daughter. It was mostly baby weight and the weight gain associated with being pregnant. But I also was a bit overweight before I got pregnant the first time. I'd spent two years in pregnancy clothes, so my main clothes were in the closet lying wait for me to get un-pregnant.
Even though I weighed a lot more, significantly more even, than the size of my clothes, I didn't really think I was that different in size. I'm not sure where I thought the extra weight was going dimensionally, but I didn't think the pounds could amount to that much physical size difference.
I found out the hard way that even though I saw myself as the same size as I had been before babies, I wasn't. I was unexpectedly surprised that my legs were just too blooming fat to fit into my jeans. And I didn't expect my chest to be enough difference that I wouldn't be able to button the buttons in the front. I was wrong.
And even now, you'd think I would have learned my lesson, but no. I needed new shorts. I knew I had another five pounds or so to go, but I didn't fathom they'd make enough of a difference in my waist to need a smaller size. So now I need another new pair of shorts.
The Big Boy Update: There are balls on my pants. The spaceship and planet-themed pants he slept in he discovered were covered in balls this morning. He was pulling the material all around and pointing out the balls to me. It's all about the balls right now.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Sitting up with a pillow. She's sitting up well with a pillow. She's able to balance on her torso for much longer than she could last week. She still falls forward eventually, but soon she'll be sitting up under control and she'll have a whole new world to interact with from this new perspective.
Right-size Countdown: 2.2 pounds to go
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