I went running today before the children were up. There was no time the rest of the day because of existing scheduled items. I wasn't looking forward to it though. Well, that's not exactly true. I do look forward to running because it gives me a sense of accomplishment and I always feel better about myself when I've done some exercising.
But it was cold. And it was drizzling. Forty-eight and wet isn't my idea of a fun run. You get warm when you run, but you still don't want to be out in shorts and a t-shirt if you run like I do, which isn't for that long and is definitely not that fast.
I am thankful though that it wasn't 88 degrees. That would have been, no doubt worse. So the run went fine, but in any cool weather I run into a body temperature range issue. My trunk is hot. I'm sweating and it's working hard. My hands and feet are freezing. I can't work the phone to determine how much longer I need to run, because all the blood is busy trying to grab oxygen from my lungs.
It's a strange sensation to be so hot in some areas and so cold in others. As soon as I stop running the temperatures equalize and I'm sweaty all over. I can tell this is going to be fun come July and August in the crazy hot summer months. At least my hands won't be cold. Maybe they'll be too sweaty to work the phone then?
The Big Boy Update: I do not perform. He has words, I swear. And he does cute things. All the time, really. But if someone is around and we ask him what something is, or to wave bye bye or do the sign for "more," he is just going to stare at you like he has no clue what you're talking about. My cousin was over yesterday and she said, "oh they never perform, get used to it." Then, when you're not paying attention of course he starts doing all the cute things. Typical.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Nine month clothes. I just cleaned out her drawer and retired a round of clothes. She's not six months yet, but most of the six month clothes are too short for her. She's not quite nine month size yet either, but baggy is better than tight.
Right-size Countdown: 1.8 pounds to go
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