Medical professionals aren't usually suppose to laugh at you when they're taking your medical history. I had one do just that the other day. I had to admit it was funny though, so I laughed back.
I have upcoming vision correction surgery and she had called for the pre-op medical history questionnaire. When I took the call, she asked if I had time to to answer some questions and I said yes, if she didn't mind the noise of two small children in the background and potential, "stop that, don't maim your sister." interruptions.
When she got to the "what current medications are you on?" portion of the questionnaire I said "prenatal vitamins and birth control pills." That's when she laughed. She said, "aren't those two a little contradictory?" She was right, and I got to laughing too. I explained the prenatal vitamins had been prescribed for longer than I needed them, but I didn't want to let a good daily multivitamin go to waste. She said, "Hey, I would use them up too."
The Big Boy Update: He sat still for several books today. He likes books, but mostly to flip over and roughly handle. He's still figuring out the books have meaning. But today he was interested in letting me read several books to him before his nap.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Smiling at strangers. She was endearing to multiple people while we were out at the farmer's market this morning. She's going to have the most friends in her class if she keeps up her sunny disposition.
Right-size Countdown: 1.0 pounds to go
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