Thursday, January 26, 2023

How Much Have I Slowed Down?

I was always fast at doing things.  I would zip through work or homework or whatever the task at hand was with speed.    If it was something that required accuracy I wasn't the best on that front, but I could shoot the basketball in the general direction of the goal faster than most people.   Making the basket was one of those one-in-a-million chances, mostly due to the aforementioned accuracy.

I feel like I have eleventy twelve individual things that need to be done in the day and somehow I can't seem to get to all of them.   Is this because the things aren't as trivially quick to complete as I think they should be?  Or am I really slowing down in my mental processes?   

I hope it's just complexity.   I don't want my brain to be moving in slow motion.  

Friends Again?  My children can argue over the proverbial "is the sky blue" with each other.   Sometimes.   Then, at other times, they seem to be kind to each other, want to help out and even seem to understand each other.   Just when I think they've grown up, they'll go back to bickering.  I wonder how long this idyl will be?

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