Sunday, June 10, 2012


I like to be well-stocked in some things.  Like toilet paper.  I'm not afraid of running out.  There's just a nice feeling knowing you won't have to worry about getting toilet paper, or paper towels, or splenda packets again for a good long while.

It's not with everything.  Some things I definitely do not want to be overstocked on.  Food items for instance.  I like variety in food and I just don't want to make a commitment to eighty packs of oatmeal.  What if I stop liking oatmeal?

But if I'm absolutely sure I'm committed to something like the Indian Spice Chai tea I found recently, then I'm likely to order a vat from Amazon so I'll have the comfort in knowing I won't run out anytime soon.

There's a converse to the well-stocked syndrome known as the almost-gone syndrome.  When I'm almost out of something, I look forward to finishing it up.  I don't like little bits of anything I suppose.  There should be enough that there's no worry you'll run out of it soon but not so little that you're almost and yet not out.

It's two sides of the "comfort in stuff" rules we all have.  Wheather you're a hoarder or live out of a suitcase, our stuff and how it makes us feel is an inescapable part of life.

The Big Boy Update:  Eczema better.  After three days using the new, super duper, extra-strength, use sparingly only on the hands cream, his hands have improved.  I'm so relieved.  From the weekend vacation front, from the pictures my husband has been sending, they've had fun in the boat, in the sand bar at the lake's edge and eating corn-on-the-cob with Nana and Grandpa. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Fever napper.  She never naps for long.  I have high hopes that once she starts to crawl she'll be more tired and nap for more time per nap.  This weekend she got the "fever of unknown origin" my son has had for the last several days and suddenly she's a good napper.

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